or rug of sorts. As ignorant as that sounds, I had expected this Hindu ritual to be similar. Aisles separate the three columns of chairs. The temple was full, yet it was very quiet. The inside of the temple is also modest; white walls with gold accents. There are small colored-glass pained windows around the entire room, unlike what I have seen in Christian churches, these were beautiful depictions of lotus flowers, with no hint of spiritual stories or leaders depicted in them. Though there were many lights in the ceilings, and few small windows around the room, the feeling overall was that of open natural light. The altar consists of three dome like cutouts in the wall that hold 6 gold frames, containing from left to right the images of Babaji (Lahiri Mahasaya’s guru), Lahiri Mahasaya, Jesus, Krishna, Paramahansa Yogananda, and Sri Yukteswar. Six tall candles sit in front of the pictures on a mantle that also has gold accent. A beautiful flower arrangement sits on a table in the front of the altar, and off to the left is a chair that is roped off and a framed picture of Paramahansa Yogananda at the shrine. On the right is a podium from which the lecture is…