The objective of this COOP is to ensure that a viable capability exists to continue essential Communications Center functions across a wide range of potential emergencies, specifically when the primary facility is either threatened or inaccessible. The objectives of this Plan include: Ensure the continuous performance of essential functions/operations during an emergency which impacts the communication center. Reduce or mitigate disruptions to operations. Reduce loss of life, minimize property damage and information loss. Identify and designate principals and support staff to be relocated. Facilitate decision-making for execution of the Plan and the subsequent conduct of operations. Achieve a timely and orderly recovery from the…
Explain the nature of your assigned CLC Business Plan. My collaborative Learning Community group is tasked with creating a business plan that contains classifications and elements normally found in a conventional business plan. CLC group must first find and pick the correct business model plan for an Ambulatory Surgery Center. In the business model we must include description of product or services, business and industry profile, marketing components, financial information and an operational…
Lesson plan 1: What is thanksgiving? Day: 1 Length: 50-60 minutes Component 1: Graphic organizer Materials: Graphic organizer template small paper plate large paper plate brown paint paintbrush construction paper in 3 fall colors red, orange, yellow safety scissors pen or pencil googly eyes photo of the student hole punch and ribbon Day Lesson Objective: Students will use their background knowledge when writing on their graphic organizer Anticipatory Set: The teacher will begin this lesson by…
Business Plan Outline: Zahorsky identifies the next step as follows: “A business plan outline is the second most important starting point once you've pre-determined your audience. The business plan outline should be prepared before the actual research and writing of the business plan.” During this step, it is also pertinent for one to decide: “Who is your target consumer? Will it be men or women? Old or young? Individuals or businesses and corporations? Local consumers or long distance…
A basic business plan includes: a description of the business (purpose, goals, and mission statement), a description of how the business will be marketed (market research, target demographic, and consumers), financial data (loans, cash flow analysis, and income projections), and how the business will be managed (employment, sales, and sales strategy) (SBA, 2007). Many entrepreneurs put off writing a business plan because they argue that they do not have the time, or it will not be useful because…
and disadvantages for organizations in business. Advantages provided to organizations from advancing technology include incremented revenue, higher productivity, and elongating customer reach. Although, disadvantages include, viruses, loss of data or privacy, and susceptibility to cyber-attacks. Eminently, disasters are capricious and can result in both economic loss and damaged reputation. Imperatively, the engenderment of both a disaster instauration plan and a business continuity plan are…
The Gift Giving Teddy Bear is designed to serve different occasions. It can be used on a personal note while the detachable backpack gives a window that opens you to endless possibilities. Panda-Ora Gift Collection™ is currently working to keep entrenching our vision to various regions of the world. We are poised to help people enjoy the good life in a compact and convenient form. Project 5 Subject: Dynamic synergy to further entrench Coach Pat Summitt’s legacy To: The Pat Summitt Foundation …
How to write a business plan for success A business plan is the blueprint for any business and its economic and commercial success. Whatever the size and nature of your venture, the business plan is a critical tool that enables you, as the entrepreneur, to map out the future direction of the business and to demonstrate that a very realistic chance of success exists. Not only will a well-written plan help you to identify the long-term goals for your brand, it will also anticipate some of the…
the main entree throughout the menu. Additionally, sandwiches, and meal from different time in the day. ◦ There is a strong market for this form of business. The location has to be ideal to maintain a great flow of consumers. Consumers like great product and services, therefore will encourage friends to visit the business. ◦ The business philosophy is to treat every customer…
important and necessary to have a business plan, no matter how small or how big. Running a business is very hard and requires a lot of details and having ideas, sort of a rough draft. A business plan serves as a road map and attracts capital through loans and investments. You will never know if your business will succeed or not but having a vision of what your business is going to be gives a good chance. The first step in a business plan is being able to write a business description for your…