The disposable, plastic water bottle has become a part of everyday life in America. It is almost impossible to not see at least one person walking around with one in hand. It is not hard to see the benefits of carrying one around. After all, they are convenient and help people have easy access to water away from a water source. Unfortunately, this innovation has become more taken for granted nowadays. Contrary to its perception before, people no longer see water bottles as a luxury or a privilege. Because of this, we, Americans, have become more wasteful with resources like plastic that could be used to manufacture more long-lasting products other than disposable, plastic water bottles. Historically, as mentioned before, water bottles, not only plastic ones, were seen as a luxury. The trend of hauling and drinking water from bottles has become progressively fashionable in modern years too. Since the beginning of human history, people have strived to come up with ways to easily access this life-sustaining liquid. During the height of the Roman Empire, aqueducts were erected to distribute water to the cities, and containers made from clay, materials of natural fibers, and animal pelts were utilised to carry water in less significant amounts. Thousands of years later, water began to be sold in glass bottles, and that soon…
The Water Bottle Debate: What’s the Big Deal? Water bottles have not always been around and ever since there popularity began the debate over whether or not people should have them has been a very controversial topic. Some argue that not only do they cause extra unneeded pollution, but are also unneeded since tap water is available. While some say this, others will counter by discussing the benefits of having a healthy option for a drink on the go. Using water bottles is a means to help people…
GOODBYE POLLUTION Did you know that over 40% of the world is environmentally polluted by water bottles? Bottled water is poisoning the earth and our bodies. In the process of making water bottles, the manufacturing companies use crude oil, which is highly toxic to humans! Water bottles are ruining planet Earth, and are robbing too much money from too many people! Tap water is free of charge and is 1,000 times healthier. We should ban the sale of water bottles in California because bottled water…
you concerning the usage of plastic bottles in your business. I am becoming more concerned of this because your company is producing over 100 billion bottles in a single year. When I learned this startling fact I couldn't help to think that you can be one of the major contributors in the sheer amount of bottles in landfills, and in the ocean. I want to offer a few suggestions to you to help combat the issue so the environment can be saved. As you know your company produces a lot of bottles, and…
consuming water today is through plastic water bottles. Although they are easy to grab when walking out of the house and convenient, they cause a major problem for the environment because they pollute. Last year alone, the average American used 167 disposable water bottles and only recycled 38. With this ratio, we are wasting more than $1 billion worth of plastic by throwing out these water bottles. Considering these facts, it seems that we need to come up with a solution to this nationwide…
Water is something that everyone in our society now is buying on the daily. With athletes of all kind all over the world people start to drink more water because they know it is best for their body. Water is everywhere and people need it to be healthy and even better on their body. It is best to drink water everyday so the water demand goes up all the time. It's the water bottle that worry so many people. However there are many pros and cons to using water bottles, the following articles show…
Plastic Bottles Are Just Big Trouble “50 billion plastic bottles are used each year in America, that’s enough to wrap around the world 190 times,” (Leithman). Even though plastic bottles are popular now, when they were first created in 1947, they were very expensive and not many people bought them. However, in 1960, high-density polyethylene was made and introduced to the public. As the demand for plastic bottles escalated, consumers produced more plastic bottles for cheap, while selling the…
drinking bottled water might seem healthier, studies have shown that the U.S. FDA regulations allow some contamination of fecal material and E. Coli in the water bottles (Filters). Plastic water bottles are easy to carry around and easy to store so many athletes choose water bottles over tap water. They also depend on the water bottles to give them the hydration they need to keep active. Sports such as basketball, soccer, and even football require rigorous exercise. Athletes need time to hydrate…
I needed to build a water rocket that would be aerodynamic, light, and have the ability to glide down to elongate flight time. I started out researching different bottle rocket designs to find what would work best. While researching, I found that having a slimmer bottle on top of the base bottle, versus having two regular sized soda bottles would be more aerodynamic and would allow me to give the rocket a more “bullet” shaped body. When looking at fins, those with larger fins worked more…
th the popularity of bottle water growing every day, it brings up the question... Is tap water better for you or bottle water? Which taste better? Which has more nutritional value? Here are a few things I have learned. Tap Water is monitored and regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) , Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) of 1996 , numerous test are conducted to ensure water standards are being met and water is free of contaminates. Most community water…