animals, and the cause of health defects and disorders within the human population. Plastic bottles are not eco-friendly; although they are recyclable, the ones left on the ground and in landfills give off high amounts of carbon. Carbon emissions are the cause of global warming, which is defined as; a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth 's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Global warming does a lot more than just heat up our atmosphere. According to National Geographic, ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice. The animals that live in these biomes either migrate to other lands for cooler temperatures, or their population decreases drastically. Generally, “the US releases 38 billion tons of carbon; 2.5 billion of that number is due to plastic bottles,” (Hasselberger). That is 6% of all carbon emissions total. If we keep on using plastic bottles at this rate, the carbon emissions from plastic bottles will be a lot more than just 6%. Animals are not only dying from global warming, but are also being killed from consuming the plastic bottles and their “tops’ which, “are currently not recyclable, and...they often end up in the stomachs of a variety of animals species that mistake them for food,” (Lights). Marine animals are…
Polyethylene terephthalate, most commonly known as plastic, is a material consisting of a wide range of synthetic and/or semi-synthetic organics that are malleable/ductile and can be molded into many solid objects. Plastics are typically made of organic polymers (chains of carbon or chains of carbon that have been bonded to other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur) having high molecular masses, but often contain other substances. Usually being synthetic, and most commonly made from…
Yes. Every year 8 billion tonnes finish in oceans (Parker 2015). Only 15% of the total plastic production is recycled. The rest of the waste ends up in oceans, beaches, rivers and streets. In fact, the so-called Pacific Garbage Patch is constituted entirely by remnants of this material. Plastics are produced from fossil fuels, a source of clean energy, which causes emissions of greenhouse gases, and non-renewable because in a few years its reserves will be exhausted. But a solution to the…
further process, but most of the time it do not. Some of the bottled water might be healthier than the tap water, but most of the time it do not. Bisphenol A is an issue to our health, but people have no concept on what is it and how is it affecting us. Plastic that made non-reusable water bottles have been found to contain with danger chemicals such as Bisphenol A and phthalates. Bisphenol A, as known as BPA, it is used to make the bottle solid and crystal clear. According to Medical News…
Many people do not even know about the recycling centers, and we need to make sure they knew where they are and how to use them. For example, there are recycling bins behind almost all of the area schools and anybody can drop off their recyclables there, they are not only for the school, anybody can use them. We also need to get the word out about all of the area recycling centers, like the one in Union, or the ones in Washington. If more people knew about these places they might be more…
Introduction & Problem Identification A Vlasic pickle jar will be the manufactured product discussed. The pickles found in Vlasic pickle jars are grown in Mount Pleasant and Kalamazoo, Michigan. They are then processed in Imlay City. The jars themselves are primarily made of glass, which is completely recyclable. Although, data from a number of sources has found that glass jars are simply not being recycled enough. In addition to this, glass is fairly inexpensive in its value, resulting in…
year. When I learned this startling fact I couldn't help to think that you can be one of the major contributors in the sheer amount of bottles in landfills, and in the ocean. I want to offer a few suggestions to you to help combat the issue so the environment can be saved. As you know your company produces a lot of bottles, and all of the bottles are made out of a plastic called PET which is a petroleum based plastic, and can't be broken down easily. My suggestion is that in your production of …
that contributes to climate change by suggesting that plastic is “environmentally friendly.” According to Ads Coordinator, Isabel Johnson’s article, Bottled Water Go Away, bottled water companies have made numerous efforts to reduce the amount of plastic in bottled water in order to deem them environmentally friendly. In this article, the efforts of bottled water companies are conveyed to us by suggesting that bottled water companies like Ice Mountain use “30% less plastic in their bottled…
In the passage “Sculpting Earth Art”, Earth Artist, Andy Goldsworthy, would work outside and only use materials that he could find nearby. Andy Goldsworthy would use his own spit to paste leaves to rocks and even use thorns to pin dried stalks together. Sometimes Goldsworthy would get rained on and even snowed on purposefully. One piece of art Andy Goldsworthy made was called a “rain shadow”. To make this art he would lie down in the grass before it was about to rain. After he was soaked, he…
A Ban on Water Bottles In the article ‘’ A Ban on Water Bottles: A way to bolster the University’s image’’ Amanda Jacobowitz discusses the ban of water bottle sales in her campus. The University of Washington has arranged an accession to ban water bottles over the usage of plastic. Water should be a product available at any campus for dehydration. Having an ecofriendly environment can change people’s perspective on how much plastic is being withered. The amount of water usage it takes to make…