Disconnected Life in Connected Era In the world with unimaginably updating speed, people are always expecting “unexpected” spark in the Internet of things. It has already been a cliché to predict everything is going to be connected in the foreseen future, as this irresistible trend has already begun revolutionizing our life. While embracing this connected era, we unavoidably muttered various worries and questions, but it happens every time when a change is to come. However, does it really seem like any other changes before? After smartphones had started people’s interest and unshackled their imagination in IoT, they have never failed to pursue new ideas from creating unprecedented connected things to transferring those to massively produced commodities. Previous experience, obviously quite encouraging, with the latest connected devices on the market has greatly stimulated people’s pursuing desires, when they feel obliged to catch and enjoy the fruit of the technological advancement by having these “must-haves”. It was not at all surprising to see apple watch users reached 1 million in mere 17 weeks in China, especially after people became accustomed to crazily crowded scenes in apple stores whenever new products are launched. According to an interview in a Beijing apple store (Calum MacLeod, 2015), Zuo, a 50-year-old buyer already with two smart watches, talked about his keenness on the multi-time zone function and health apps of the product. He also mentioned, “Although…
moves in with her father Diddly and his wife Emma. Living with her father she grows close to him and his family. Anne receives a basketball scholarship to a Baptist college in Mississippi to further her education. To finish off her college career in Tougaloo. When Anne goes to Tougaloo she finally decides to join the NAACP, despite her mothers thoughts on that group. Local Sheriff’s notify Anne Mae’s mother saying that if she 's in the group it will cause her family and Anne a great amount of…
The Outside of the Inside “Deliver us all from the naked in heart;” Eudora Welty uses this phrase in her short story “No Place for You, My Love” to emphasize the unnamed woman’s desire to hide her inner emotions (Welty 394). The Lord’s Prayer utilizes the phrase; deliver us from evil, as a way to ask to be saved from sins. Having a naked heart can be compared to wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve, an act of revealing all emotions to the world. Therefore, to deliver someone from the naked in…
During the 1960s, each member of society had a mould, a niche in which she was expected to fit. For white women it was that of a wife and child-bearer, for African American women it was that of a maid paid 95 cents an hour while being expected to put food on the table for two families, and for those born in lower social class is was that of proverbial white trash, society’s backwater. While some at this time relented to the pressure exerted upon them by social standards and expectation, social…
End of Year Reading Assignment The Help by Kathryn Stockett is historical fiction. It is a mesmerizing book, with several twists and turns. Kathryn Stockett was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. She graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in English and creative writing. She moved to New York, where she wrote The Help. The Help took Stockett 5 years to write and it was declined by 45 literary agents. Now The Help has over 10 million copies sold, a major motion picture, and…
The Civil Rights Movement was a tense and emotional time period for society, especially in the southern United States. It was a callous fight that disrupted the civilization that our ancestors had strived to build. People were shamed, humiliated, and disgraced for individual beliefs and rights. Public areas were segregated between black and white people causing major controversy among the races. There was a lurking apartheid that still has a subtle presence even in our enlightened society today.…
an expression in them that she could not read, and it terrified her.” (O’Henry, 1906) However, “it was not anger, nor surprise,nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the sentiments that she had been prepared for.” (O’Henry, 1906) “He simply stared at her fixedly with that peculiar expression on his face.” (O’Henry, 1906) The symbol that the young couple’s love for each other is priceless and have no boundaries that they both are willing to sell the only valuable possession that they have. The…
In the story A Worn Path by Eudora Welty is a story that represents high spirits, trust, brave, and life and death. Phoenix Jackson, from A Worn Path, has a mission/journey to go into town for her grandsons medication. She goes through many obstacles she is a very elderly women around her 80’s. The connection Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path” the character Phoenix Jackson is symbolic to a Phoenix bird from mythology because they both rebirth, go on missions/journeys, and have high spirits to where…
phoenix is a mythological bird and there are many different stories and beliefs about this creature. According to a legend, a phoenix can be reborn and has the ability to heal. The author intentionally makes Phoenix Jackson an allusion to the mythological phoenix bird by a correspondence in physical characteristics, character traits, and a rebirth. The similarity that Phoenix Jackson and the bird from mythology share is that they are both on a journey. Phoenix’s journey is to go and get her…
Perseverance is a groundwork that provides the self-determination to accomplish dreams. Eudora Welty’s short story "The Worn Path" is set in the middle of the twentieth century at the time when African Americans were still facing discrimination. Welty tells the story of Phoenix, an old African American woman, who walks through the wilderness more often than not in order to obtain medicine for her sick grandson. The journey in to the town would not be very difficult to the average person.…