“Waiting for Godot” uses stage direction, parallels, uncertainty, and a tragicomedy approach in order to show that Estragon and Vladimir’s lives are meaningless. This also extends to eventually convey Samuel Beckett’s larger commentary on the purpose of human existence. Beckett wants to show how every individual’s life has no purpose or meaning. Before any thorough analysis can be made, it is important to understand the larger, extended metaphor that is this play—a metaphor for humankind. This idea is first introduced at the beginning of Pozzo’s first entrance: Estragon: “We are not from these parts, sir” Pozzo: “You are human beings none the less…Of the same species as myself…Made in God’s image!” (15) This demonstrates the first allusion that Beckett makes to the origins of mankind. It is again brought up when Pozzo asks Estragon his name and Estragon replies with “Adam.” (28). Vladimir also reinforces this in one of his longer monologues: “But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not.” (70). This begins to demonstrate how Beckett has intended to use this play as a platform to create his commentary on the meaninglessness of human existence. The commentary begins with Beckett’s carefully chosen stage direction. This is first seen with Estragon “trying to take off his boot” (1), finally succeeding, then “[feeling] about inside it, [turning] it upside down, [shaking] it, [and looking] on the ground to see if anything [had] fallen…
I first saw The Wizard of Oz on television when I was six years old and fell in love with it and have loved it ever since. The special effects in this movie hold up to this day! Which I find absolutely amazing. I have never ever grown tired of watching it. Have now lost count how many times I’ve watched this truly WONDROUS film! The Wizard of Oz is as visually exciting and emotionally stirring today as it was when first released in 1939. It’s the most famous and beloved family movie of all…
from the scarecrow makeup in a burlap pattern after filming that lasted for over a year. Ultimately, some of the makeup that was used for The Wizard of Oz was unsafe, and left lasting impressions on the actors. There were also other aspects of the filming that made the filming of The Wizard of Oz an unpleasant experience for the actors. Many of the costumes worn by the main actors were uncomfortable and difficult to work in. Such as the costume of the Tin Man. The costume was so stiff that if…
“The Wizard of Oz” is a 1939 classic film featuring Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, and directing them all would be the great Victor Fleming. Victor Fleming’s classic film is about a young girl, named Dorothy, who lived with her aunt and uncle on their Kansas farm. A wealthy and nasty neighbor, Miss Gulch, are in conflict with Gale family regarding Dorothy’s dog Toto. Miss Gulch accused Toto of chasing her cat once more and biting her leg. After Dorothy had stolen…
first ever color movie with a surprise. During this time, movies were very momentary. There were no DVDs or TVs that could carry on the life of movies. CBS re-launched The Wizard of Oz in 1949 and 1955, which made Judy Garland an internationally recognized entertainer attracting 45 million viewers. The next time it was aired in 1959, it attracted even more viewers. This film is about a tornado blasting through Dorothy’s (Judy Garland) hometown in Kansas, and taking her and her dog, Toto, to an…
girl who is unhappy living with her aunt and uncle in Kansas City. She wishes her life was different and excited and soon gets her wish when a tornado transports her and her dog Toto, to the Land of Oz. There she meets the Wicked Witch of the West played by Margaret Hamilton and must escape the witches bad intentions but is protected by her ruby red slippers. Glinda, the Good Witch of the North played by Billie Burke, suggest that Dorothy travels the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City,…
It incorporates fantasy and adventure elements, all tied together by no fewer than ten songs. These songs intend to impart despair while Dorothy is in Kansas—“Over the Rainbow” essentially states that there is somewhere better, but it is unobtainable. However, once Dorothy leaves to Oz, these songs, including “Ding, Dong! The Witch is Dead,” and “We’re Off to See the Wizard,” provide hope. Throughout the film, filmmakers consistently integrate hope within the piece, making The Wizard of Oz a…