for the Allies. Nothing could possibly allow it to fail. The Battle of the Somme was a complete military blunder when the fight broke out on that dreadful July 1st morning in 1916, to when it ended on November 18th, 1916. Despite the fact that the French needed relief from the German’s at Verdun, the Somme Offensive was only supposed to be a short battle. What it turned into was a mass killing of numerous troops on both sides of the battle due to failed strategies and relentless pressure despite the death. Therefore, while the Battle of the Somme may have accomplished most of its duties, it still remains a costly reminder of what happens when plans are not put together properly. To understand the entire Battle’s meaning, the focus must be shifted to February 21st, 1916 when the German’s tried to invade the sacred military town of Verdun. Under German rule, the troops were told to, ‘bleed them [France] white,’ and they very nearly did. France knew that they would need to protect Verdun at all costs and its 19 forts, so they directed most of their troops to that battle. The German’s, knowing that France would do this, proceeded to stage a bloody battle on them because with all the French troops in one place, they were under the impression that France…
In this essay, I will be questioning whether the film ‘The Battle of the Somme’ provides a realistic picture of life in the trenches during the First World War. The Battle of the Somme, that had been fought in northern France, was one of the most violent battles that had taken place during the First World War. It had lasted five months while the British and French fought the Germans on a 15- mile front. The purpose of this battle was to hopefully alleviate the French who had been fighting at…
"The Somme set the picture by which future generations saw the First World War: hapless soldiers; blundering obstinate generals; nothing achieved." -A.J.P Taylor One of the ways the Battle of the Somme had significance in World War One was the attritional wearing down of the German army. The war took a turning point in 1916, up until then some kind of peace could have been reached and an agreement made, this all changed in 1916. Instead of trying to break through each other’s lines the armies…
surroundings. The Battle of the Somme is one such example. During World War I, the Battle of the Somme, fought primarily by the British army with help of the French against Germany, near the Somme River in France was a turning point. The battle of the Somme was a pivotal point for the Canadian homefront, and due to the deplorable battlefield failures of the Somme, a plethora of lessons were learned for future. First and foremost, the excessive number of deaths during the Battle of the Somme led…
The Battle of the Somme took place during the First World War between July 1st and November 18th, 1916. On the upper reaches of the Somme River in France, the Allies (United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Africa) fought against the central powers in the largest battle of the First World War. Over one million men were wounded or killed from both forces involved, during what is now called one of the bloodiest military operations recorded in history. The battle had been planned by the…
The Battle of the Somme took place during the summer of 1916 and was one of the largest of the Great War. Characterized as a useless slaughter, the Somme highlighted for many the brutalities of war. The Somme was the most important battle in World War I. This can be demonstrated through an examination of its reputation as the bloodiest battle in human history, the complete disregard for human life on the part of British commanders, and the specific case of the Newfoundlanders at Beaumont-Hamel. …
The Battle of Somme The battle of Somme was a major battle in WW1 on the German western front. It lasted from July,1st 1916 to November,18th 2016. It is commonly known as one of the bloodiest battles of WW1 and one of the most futile war efforts. It was also fought on the Western front of Germany. Location The battle was fought near the Somme river in the Northern region of France The river’s upper basin was the scene of heavy fighting and was the location of the battle of Somme. Trenches were…
During the battle Ernst Junger witness the horror that he saw on his guide's face. The first that he saw were ruined villages, dead bodies, artillery machines and smoke from the fire. The air sticked as a dead bodies, dead children were laying in their own blood. Bombardment killed and injured many civilians. The explosions were non stop. Soldiers were counting between explosions hiding they head with heads. They had to close their ears so they would be completely deaf. The ground was shaking…
On July 1st, 1916, the foundation of today’s artillery profession was forever established. The Battle of the Somme (otherwise known as the Somme Offensive) was actually a series of battles that spanned over 141 days, from July 1st to November 18th, 1916. The Battle of the Somme would claim over one million casualties in the end. Three hundred thousand would be killed in action, effectively making this battle one of the deadliest in history. The militaries of 1916 were very tactically…
Does Haig Deserve the Title ‘The Butcher of the Somme’ Throughout this essay I will be discussing wether Douglas Haig deserves to be called “The Butcher of the Somme” or wether he could be considered a hero to the first world war. Some have said that he was a top British Military leader who led Britain to many victories, however others think that the title “The Butcher of the Somme” is more appropriate. The word butcher meaning to slaughter something in itself is horrible, however this was the…