The effects of war are often calculated in terms of costs for weapons, equipment, gains, and losses with respect to what is being fought over, be it land or other resources. In thinking of war that way, however, we often overlook the very personal costs of war; while we may think in the abstract terms of numbers of dead soldiers, we overlook the cognitive, physical, and psychological on soldiers, civilians, and even the entire world. Indeed, while war shows man’s resilience and sacrifice, it also highlights what is worst about mankind, and its effects can linger for generations. The arts, including poetry, have long been instrumental in conveying the horrors of war, allowing the audience to feel some of what war is like and thus better understand it. Two such examples of this are the poems “The Charge of the light brigade” by Alfred Tennyson and “Facing It” by Yusef Komunyakaa. In the first of these, Tennyson, describing the heroism of soldiers during the Crimean War, expresses the struggles and the dangers experienced by the soldiers during the war. Tennyson transports the readers to the war field during the conflict, making them them appreciate the sacrifices made and the horrors experienced by these soldiers offered for their nation to live. On the other hand, Komunyakaa’s poem is a sad one that focuses more so on the psychological and physical effects that linger after war. Thus, the two poems, each using a variety of poetic techniques and strategies to convey their…
Through personification, “Memory fingers in their hair of murders”, Owen explores the traumatic anguish that afflicted the soldiers. The activity of fingering hair is customarily perceived as a warm, relaxing memory of childhood, as for when mom fingers through a baby’s hair. Nevertheless, for soldiers at the battle fields, even the peaceful memory can be harmed by the atrocity of the war. Now, the memory of painful, brutal murder fingers their hair, instead of affectionate maternal touch.…
of this epidemic including the walking dead and their army of dread. In Continuation, there are not many characters that stick for the whole book except the interviewer. The interviewer is mysterious to some but a hero to others. He goes around the world to tell a story about this massive epidemic. From the book we can tell that he gives a lot of emotion and seeks the truth most of the time. He’ll go to extreme measures to get this story, that he’s NOT GETTING PAYED FOR, to basically sum up…
the public thinks is that women are just now starting to begin to take part in war. Most of these people have never considered that these women have been serving for longer than they would ever consider. These current women are not the pioneers of the women solider, they are the direct ancestors of the women that fought in the past. It is genuinely surprising that a majority of people are still to this day surprised when they speak to a women that says she has served her country. The reason it…
the team would have. HE would be more worried about going home and about his family, who would probably be helping in a factory making weapons for this war that he doesn’t approve in. One thing that the country would benefit from is the surplus of payment from the military for weapons and supplies. Factories would be able to thrive on the business… however, soon the weapons would have a disproportionate amount of ammunition. Then either the country will fall into another Depression, or war would…
was, especially in the area of military supremacy. It is understood by competing political parties that America’s military needs reform. This, however, is not a single definition idea. The source of protection and power of the United States is smaller than ever in comparison of percentage. When the armed services are again needed in larger quantities, it is possible that the means of acquiring these numbers will demonstrate the depth of American possibilities in a new and previously…
The ability to overcome tough obstacles in an individual's life is known as human resilience. The book “Boys in the boat”, written by Daniel James Brown, is about a young man named Joe Rantz, who is on the rowing team for the University of Washington. He had to overcome many challenges regarding his past, but it didn’t stop him from gaining a spot on the United States Olympic crew team. He helped lead his team to victory, despite the hardships of living alone as a teenager. The second story…
4. Lure the enemy to move with benefits that he desires and then use concealed troops to await and ambush him. 3.1 To identify and explain the relevant theory/theories. Sun Zi said : “ lure the enemy to move with benefits that he desires and then use concealed troops to await and ambush him”. It means that to entice the enemy by giving away something that he would definitely want to have. When the enemy is greedy for small advantages, offer baits to lure him. 3.2 To analyze and discuss…
person limited point of view. Henry does not say why the war is happening or why he fights for the side he is on, instead he focuses on the battles of war. He goes into the war with a naive mindset because he has yet to see the horrors of war. The narrator says, “He had, of course, dreamed of battles all his life” (2). Henry sees the glory of war from the tales he had heard, which causes him to a having a burning to enlist. Henry Fleming is a young, naive soldier who worries about the reputation…
We are all well aware that when our troops are cared for, they can perform better. A lot goes into maintaining healthy, proficient, and motivated troops. From my personal experience, I can assure everyone that one of the most important factors, aside from logistics, is the training environment. Yes, we should train as we fight. Yes, we do not choose the locations where we will be fighting in battle. However, when we do have the opportunity and resources to train in the perfect environment,…