We are all well aware that when our troops are cared for, they can perform better. A lot goes into maintaining healthy, proficient, and motivated troops. From my personal experience, I can assure everyone that one of the most important factors, aside from logistics, is the training environment. Yes, we should train as we fight. Yes, we do not choose the locations where we will be fighting in battle. However, when we do have the opportunity and resources to train in the perfect environment, should we not take it? Referring back to the wonderful and stable climate of our southern neighbor, I remind you that the overall fascinating climate is dependent and sure. The regions and average annual weather are as follows, the northern region with an annual average temperature (AAT) of 75 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The northeast region with an AAT between 68F and 82F, the southeast region 68F and 75F, the south region with an AAT of 57F to 71F, and lastly the middle-west region also averaging from 57F to 71F. ("Brazilian Climates." Brazilian Climates. Web. 2 May 2015.). Because Brazil is such a large country, it is obvious that there will be fluctuation across the regions in regards to weather. Nonetheless, the climate is beautiful throughout the year. The favorable conditions guarantees year-round training of our ranks. Consisting of a military force in excess of 320,000, Brazil’s effective manpower is ranked at the 22nd most powerful in the world. …show more content…
With a history of military rule spanning over two decades, it has the military experience and stability to assist as an extension to our personnel and equipment. Although many considered this authoritarian period as negative time, the military rule brought on the organization of Brazils working-class. The entanglement of political and military rule also pursued a nationalist policy of supporting and subsidizing private national capital not associated with foreign capital (Breneman, Tracy Ann. "BRAZIL 'S AUTHORITARIAN EXPERIENCE: 1964-1985; A STUDY OF A CONFLICT." (1995). Print). Therefore, it is of no surprise that this nation knows a thing or two about conducting military operations and impressive warfighting functions as a whole. Considered an initiative thriving cell, and whether the reason was to maximize potential force or to welcome a different perspective, it was the first to allow women into their armed forces in the early 1980s. (Central Intelligence Agency. Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. .) Aside from the recent events that have plagued the relationship