Women In The Military: Annotated Bibliography

Superior Essays
Annotated Bibliography
“Women in the Military.” Issues& Controversies. Infobase Learning, 6 June 2003. Web. July 12, 2016. This article expresses the supporting and opposing views of women in Combat. Supporters say that women are fully capable of being in combat, while the opposition is women in combat is less effective to the military because they are not as physically capable. This is overall a good source to use in the introduction because it gives both view points and basic information to set the argument.
Women in the Military Follow-Up: Pentagon Lifts Restrictions on Women in Combat.” Issues& Controversies. Infobase Learning, February 11, 2013. Web. July 12, 2016. This article was written to explain that the pentagon has lifted
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It was based on a study in 2014. This article mentions resistance training, recovering from deployment and field training, improvement of carrying heavy loads, and providing coaches or assistants to help achieve an overall goal. This article addresses multiple topic questions and proposes answers to each one. I plan to use this article in body paragraph one to outline the physical and mental capabilities and difference between men and women. This source is highly credible because it gives in depth research, as well as charts and statistics.
Tepe, Victoria. “Women in Combat: Summary of Findings and a Way Ahead.” Military Medicine 181. (2016): 109-118. Military & Government Collection. Web. July 12, 2016. This journal explains the relevance of women in combat by analyzing research findings. The research is based off of several studies in which both men and women were studied to determine whether women were fit for leadership roles or not. This is credible because of the in depth research. I plan to use this as support in paragraph three.
Xue C, Ge Y, Tang B, Liu Y, Kang P, Wang M. “A Meta-Analysis of Risk Factors for Combat-Related PTSD Among Military Personnel and Veterans.” PLOS One. 2015. Web. July 12,
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The outcomes of each study result in whether or not women are fit to serve in a battle front situation. The findings suggest that both women and men alike can handle stress, but are affected in different ways. This is credible because of the extensive research and charts used throughout the article. I plan to use this source in paragraph two.
Davis, Daniel. “The Truth About Women in Ground Combat.” National Interest. January 14, 2016. Web. July 14, 2016. This article summarizes why women are good candidates for war. It lists different scenario’s where it is effective and ineffective to have females on the front line. However, it still backs up the argument that is being questioned. I plan to use pieces of this article throughout my paper, but the placement is still yet undetermined.
“Religion and Public life: Women in Society.” Pew Research Center. N.p. April 30, 2013. Web. July 14, 2016. This article discusses how Muslim women are viewed in middle eastern cultures. It discusses the do’s and do not’s to speaking or physically handling a Muslim woman. It also gives feedback on why Muslim men believe the way they do. I plan to use this evidence to support why women are effective in a combat

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