Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in and around the rectum or anus. There are two types of hemorrhoids: • Internal hemorrhoids. These occur in the veins just inside the rectum. They may poke through to the outside and become irritated and painful. • External hemorrhoids. These occur in the veins outside the anus and can be felt as a painful swelling or hard lump near the anus. Most hemorrhoids do not cause serious problems and can be managed with home treatments, such as diet and lifestyle changes. If home treatments do not help your symptoms, procedures can be done to shrink or remove the hemorrhoids. CAUSES This condition is caused by increased pressure in the anal area. This pressure may result from various things, including:…
rectal area. Next, precede retention enema with a cleansing enema. This will ensure the medication is properly absorbed during retention. Add prescribed amount of powder to 100 mL of prescribed solution (usually sorbitol or 20% dextrose in water) in enema bag. Shake well to dissolve powder thoroughly into a liquid consistency. Raise container, release clamp, and allow solution to flow long enough to fill tubing. This will remove air from tubing. Then reclamp tubing and lubricate 2 ½ to 3 inches…
Here are some differential diagnoses for perineal itching and ways to determining the diagnosis. For example, Litmus testing for pH, wet mount from a pap smear, K hydroxide (KOH) preparation and whiff test, cultures for fungi and trichomonads can be used to determine if the diagnosis is Vaginitis, candida albicans (monilia); Vaginitis, Gardnerella/bacterial (mix); Vulvovaginitis, Fungal (Diagnosis of, n.d.). According to Neistein (2008), laboratory tests, clinical findings, signs, and symptoms…
Ankyloglossia is also known as tongue-tie, which can create many problems with eating, speech, and oral hygiene. Tongue-tie is an excessive tissue that connecting the ventral portion of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. 4% - 10% of babies with tongue-tie have difficulty in breastfeed, which resulting in early bottle-fed and slow weight gain. A procedure called frenotomy can help release the tongue from the floor of the mouth by surgical scissors or laser, which will improve breastfeeding for…
disorder where a part of the rectum projects via the anus. The rectum is the large portion of the digestive system that comes after the colon. It is part of the large intestine or large bowel. There are diverse types of rectal prolapse; some might project through the anus while others pass via the anal canal but not out of the anus. In addition to elderly females being most affected, it also befalls in young kids usually within the first 3 years of life. Rectal prolapse v/s hemorrhoids The…
Rectal Bleeding Rectal bleeding is when blood passes out of the anus. People with rectal bleeding may notice bright red blood in their underwear or in the toilet after having a bowel movement. They may also have stools that are dark red or black. Rectal bleeding is usually a sign that something is wrong. Many things can cause rectal bleeding, including: Hemorrhoids. These are blood vessels in the anus or rectum that are larger than normal. Fistulas. These are abnormal channels in the…
Artists have a peculiar way of expressing their distrust in the newly elected president. Some actors take the stage at award shows to rattle against Donald Trump. Others exploit shows that once were considered revolutionary to portray a dull portrayal of Trump. I don’t think Meryl Streep or Alec Baldwin will top performance artist Abel Azcona. The Spanish man had Trump's campaign slogan tattooed above his anus in a recent performance at the Defibrillator Gallery in Chicago. If you think he did…
Perianal Dermatitis Dermatitis is redness, soreness, and swelling (inflammation) of the skin. Dermatitis that occurs around the anal opening is called perianal dermatitis. This condition can be passed from one person to another (contagious), depending on the cause. CAUSES Perianal dermatitis may be caused by a type of germ (bacteria) infection. Streptococci bacteria are the most common cause of this infection. These bacteria can be found in the throat where they can cause strep throat. These…
them from the body after usage. The large intestines considers of the cecum pouch at beginning of large intestines, appendix, colon portion of large intestines that extends from cecum to rectum, Page 5 rectum muscular segment of the intestines from the sigmoid colon to the anus, and anal canal last place where feces move out of body. It takes food 18-24 hours to travel the length through the large Intestines. The rectum which holds waste relaxes the anal sphincter allowing stool from anal.…
the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebrates. Water is absorbed here and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecation. • Major function of the large intestine. The major function of the large intestine is to absorb water from the remaining indigestible food matter and transmit the useless waste material from the body. Rectum: • The final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus. • Function. The rectum acts as a…