The legend of Aleister Crowley, as it can be called nothing less than that, began on October 12, 1875 (Booth 4). Born to a family which belonged to a rather strict form of Christianity known as The Plymouth Brethren, young Crowley had limited access to ideas which varied from the church’s doctrine as well as books outside of the Bible. This limited access forced him to focus on the biblical stories leading to a mind fed on stories of false prophets, the beast and the number 666, “Crowley’s character was starting to form in ways others might regard, especially today, and unhealthily biased and narrow.” (Booth 11). His father, Edward Crowley, whom he respected and admired, died March 5, 1887 from cancer of the tongue after receiving electro-homeopathy…
both the speaker and the audience to achieve a desired result. Ceremonies are usually performed in a sequestered place. Ceremonial magic is often synonymous with ritual magic. It draws from the Hermetic Kabbalah, and Enochian magic. The source is the same. It is a system based on the invocation and commanding of various spirits. Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley claimed in 16th-century writings, that they received information via the so-called Enochian language, from various angels. Kelley was a…
On Midsummer in 1953, he met with her again and here is where he initiated her into his coven. Valiente joined Gardners Bricket Wood Coven. She soon rose to the role of High Priestess in the coven. She ended up taking Gardners Book of Shadows with his permission and rewrote most of it. Anything that had to deal with Aleister Crowley she rewrote. She rewrote the Charge of the Goddess, several poems, such as the Witch’s Rune. Valiente also helped write the Wiccan Rede. She only initiated Jack L.…
Lilly Stepped in the classroom. All students were looking at her awkwardly. She sat on the first chair beside a girl because she was only one who offered her seat. She was wearing spectacle and reading her notes. Some other students were babbling about Lilly and making fun of her. She inclined her eyes and trying to ignore them. “Hi! I am Jennifer” said that Girl “and Whats your name?” “I am Lilly, I am a new student here.” said Lilly. “Good Morning Class, Please sit down on your chairs” said…
In William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the main character, Prospero, uses magic throughout the play to fulfill his plans for revenge and regain the power of his dukedom. His magic is seen in his control of Ariel and Caliban, as well as his ability to create a storm at sea that causes King Alonso’s ship to crash. However, by the end of the play, Prospero has decided to give up his magic, now being fulfilled with the power of his returned dukedom. In 5.1, Prospero delivers a soliloquy discussing…
Movie Night at Torr Neverwhon It was movie night in Dr. Aeon's tower sanctum of Torr Neverwhon, or, more accurately, it was Sturdiman Serial night. Sunset Aeon had long since finished her housekeeping chores; simple specialized magical cantrips long-since perfected for mundane tasks. Her Sanctum was neat as a pin, she had available ample refreshments such as popcorn and adult beverages. Most importantly, her magical Sturdiman Movie Maker simulacrum had finished generating tonight's exciting…
His legacy was cemented with the founding of a mystical order along with the reformulating of another mysterious order; his writings have also influenced countless occult organizations. According to the article, “Thelemic Organizations,” found on, the three major organizations that were either founded by Aleister or influenced by him are the: Ordo Templis Orientis, Gnostic Catholic Church, and A.’A.’ These organizations champion themselves on following the original teachings of…
Conversely, Kenneth Grant, the leader of its major dominant occult/Masonic institute in the world (the Ordo Templi Orientis-Order of Eastern Templar), distinctly states that Baphomet actually means Bapho-Mitras-son of Mithras; which existed as the bull-god (Bull = Baal?), a pagan god in the OT. Evidently, the British’s occultists, Aleister, known as “The Beast” Crowley, displayed the sea-goat on his personal seal and also wrote a hymn in adoration of the goat god, Pan; the seal suggests the…
The Cuban people were frightened and in opposition to the overt sexuality and open practice thereof which existed in this sect of people. The controversy against its religious proponents caused leaders to speak out in the Wicca community and justify their action, through his own words Crowley claimed that sexual power was divine in nature and that an individual’s soul opened up to cosmic powers and divine blessings the most during sexual orgasm and then allowed them to manifest whatever they so…
In giving the infinite power of the creator to the minds of men will allow room for the masses to follow a self-proclaimed spiritually leader. When research is done on the new age movement and its origins this psychosis is seen played out with on how the information spreads. In the early 1900’s people like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Aleister Crowley, Margaret Sanger and many more wrote books as well as starting organizations based on the new age movement. For example plan parenthood…