Introduction: Coffee is a popular ubiquitous beverage in the daily life of an undergraduate student. For many it is a habit that gradually forms and stays. Its popularity lies in the key ingredient, caffeine, which decreases fatigue and instead increases alertness, features that aid an undergraduate student 's academic performance when studying on little sleep and going through the day (Giles et al., 2012). However, besides coffee 's use as a stimulant, can it be used to influence cognitive functioning, or is it merely a physical reaction? Does coffee have any impact on memory performance? Furthermore, does a habitual consumption of coffee enhance, inhibit, or do nothing for memory? This experiment seeks to test if coffee has an effect on the memory of a young adult via memory tests. The null hypothesis is that coffee does not have any significant effect on young adult’s memory. Materials and Methods: Through the usage of the Computerized Memory Interference Test (CMIT), a computer program that relies on visual cues to test a participant 's memory, the experiment sought to evaluate the cognitive functioning of a diverse group of undergraduate students. The students, ranging from ages 19-25, were first asked to complete a demographic questionnaire of four pages that included questions on their origin, past, habits,…
Although increasing efforts to lessen sleep deprivation for teenagers may lengthen the amount of sleep that students get, there will always be students who, despite later school start times and a lighter load of homework, still fail to get enough sleep. This may be due to their own procrastination or simply the speed at which they need to work to grasp the content presented to them. In order to help these students, households and schools can easily implement inexpensive, additional policies to…
Level of alertness and focus You may be surprised to know that you can do a much better and thorough workout when you are focused and alert. Morning is one of the best times to exercise because your body has rested from a full night's sleep and it is in an energized state. Doing exercise in the evening may be difficult because your body is tired from a day's work and you tend to be less focused on the exercise at hand. For starters, try to get a brisk walk for ten minutes after you get out of…
Alertness affects interpersonal relationships in daily life. Characteristics often decide the ways people view a person. When people express alertness, they always have a reason to do so. Fright stands as one of the most common reasons for alertness. Listening to a frightening news story, watching a horror movie, or something simpler such as fearing the dark will cause nerves to stand on edge and keep someone looking over their shoulder, jumping at every noise, and watching their surroundings…
interested to compare “the effects of caffeine in individuals who consume caffeine-containing products frequently with those who do not” (Rogers et al. 2012). Rogers study was influenced by Hollingworth study done in 1912 that focus on participant’s performance in mental and motor’ performance. As well as, Weiss and Laties (1962), study that indicated that there was no effect of caffeine on alertness…
increases mental alertness, plus it can result within one being healthier and happier than a non-napper. To begin with, taking a nap daily can help with ones sleep pattern during the night. For example, the informational article “The Secret Truth About Napping”, says, “Emergency room doctors working at night also have problems sleeping. Sleep experts recommended that these health workers take short naps on the job. A team of researchers led by David F Dinges, a professor at the University…
Rogers et al. (2012) discusses the various functions that caffeine has that can be beneficial and harmful to our psychological and behavioral functioning. This study was interested in comparing the effects of caffeine from those who drink caffeine products regularly with those who do not (Rogers et al. 2012). Rogers study was influenced by the Hollingworth study done in 1912 that focused on participant’s performance on mental and motor tasks. Weiss and Latie’s (1962), study indicated that there…
Sleep, it helps people perform their daily tasks. It is also very helpful with making people more focused and keep people well - rested. Napping is also a somewhat good way of recharging the body and increase mental alertness. Both of these I think are important because they both keep you from getting cranky. So let me elaborate. First off, sleep helps people perform their daily tasks whether it be a job or going to school. Whatever it might be, we humans need energy to focus on important…
the Cocaine and Amphetamine. Cocaine and Amphetamine are also classified, as psychostimulants are psychoactive drugs that stimulate temporary improvements in our body, such as mental and/or physical function. It produces different effects varying on the dosage of the drug. Furthermore, these drugs are consists chemical substances that modify the activity in the brain wherein it boost specifically the activity in central nervous system and in peripheral nervous system. Effects of stimulant…
The majority of resources we have regarding the samurai are myths and legends. They tend to exaggerate both the heroic as well as the faulty characteristics of the characters whom they describe. This helps them to get across messages about features that people should and should not seek to replicate; through this, these stories exemplify the key characteristics of the samurai to varying degrees. Four key qualities of the legendary Japanese warrior that are portrayed most strongly in Legends of…