following the movement.Black lives matter is an organization…
The black lives matter movement focuses on the fact that black citizens have long been far more likely than whites to die at the hands of the police. Demonstrators at the black lives matter movement who chant the phrase “Black Lives Matter” today are fighting for the same rights their ancestors and civil rights activist fought for half a century ago. The organization is not asserting that black lives are seemingly more precious than white lives, or another other for that matter. The organization…
Black lives matter: a term used nationwide that began a revolution. Incidents from across the country that involve discrimination against the African American race, have instigated people to join the Black Lives matter movement. Following the unfortunate death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, the African American community was in an uproar. From the beginning of time black lives have been valued less than others due to the prejudice and racism that our societies are drowned in. Regardless…
The black panthers used the media to their advantage and rapidly began to grow capturing the attention of thousands of Americans. As a result of the party's growth, groups such as the Ku Klux Klan began to make their way into the federal law enforcement advocating racist and violent abuse towards people of color. The leader at the time, President Hoover began to notice the advancement of the movement and feared "the rise of the black messiah", and the white allies who united to support the…
Black Lives Matter, Because All Lives Matter Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” This quote explains that in order to be heard and make important events occur, individuals must fight for what they believe is right. As soon as the battle ends, so does the reason to fight. The quote from Martin Luther King Jr. relates to the Black Lives Matter campaign due to the fight for equality and independence among Black individuals.…
All lives matter or black lives matter? The answer is simple: Black lives matter. In a world where black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.This movement is an urgent call to action against the inequality and expectations of normality defined by white supremacy. The black lives matter movement is necessary to combat and raise awareness of the racism targeted toward black people. Through the Black lives matter movement people come and stand together regardless of their…
the past 35 years in America, an estimate of 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries” - Pete Herakles. 2013 statics show that Caucasians killed 409 blacks, meanwhile 2,245 blacks were killed by their own race. “Black lives matter” coming from African Americans is an erroneous statement. Over the past years we’ve been running from the wrong people, to put it briefly by “we” I mean the highly discriminated against,…
community is faced with a sizable amount of conflicts and problems in their way? “Black Lives Matter” is a phrase that speaks the truth. It is a cry for help that many people are taking, in order to achieve equal rights. “Black Lives Matter” is not just a topic of conversation…
where African Americans, and people across the world must stand for what is right. The Black Lives Matter movement is paving the way for global equality in the United States, which is vital for the country to achieve for the sake of future generations. Black Lives Matter was created in 2012 after the death of Treyvon Martin. As the picture above illustrates the Black Lives Matter movement has gained support from an abundance of people. All people of different races united for the same common…
This semester, I went to Black Lives Matter by Patrisse Cullors, during MLK week. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this presentation. Racism is a hot topic and can be discussed in many different constructs. There were few white people there, and a majority of the people there where African American. I felt that the target audience that Cullors needed to impact was sadly not there. Being that most of the audience was black, they are thoroughly aware of the struggles that comes with having a…