Alexander Essay

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    Alexander the Great is one of the world’s greatest rulers to date. Born in the Macedonian capital of Pella, his father Philip II was the newly appointed king. Throughout his youth, Alexander received the best education a person of his stature could obtain. In his early teens he studied under Aristotle, a great philosopher recognized in modern times. He was also schooled in military values and war strategies. At 16, Alexander was given control of Macedonia while his father partook of expanding Macedonian controlled territory. During his leave, Philip II was murdered in foreign lands. At the age of 19, Alexander was given the position of commander of the Macedonian troops. When he reached 20, he succeeded his father to the throne by popular election. The Battle of Chaeronea was one of his first victories. He surged forth into the city and took control of Thebes. In the…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Alexander of Macedon is know as “Alexander The Great,” because of his military intelligence and diplomatic skills in handling the people in the places he conquered. His skills later influenced other conquerors such as, Hannibal the Carthaginian, the Romans Pompey and Caesar, and Napoleon. Alexander grew up watching his father make Macedon into a great military power, and he learned from that. Alexander III of Macedon became king when his father, Philip II of Macedon, was assassinated in 336…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Throughout history there has been a plethora of superb leaders who have made their mark on the world, but what makes each one of them unique? Many of those who fall under the category of a strong leader have a similar set of skills, as well as connections leading to their overall success during each specific reign. With that being said, rulers such as Augustus, and Alexander met these qualifications as they each held a strong significance in regards to ancient history. Over the course of time…

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  • Improved Essays

    Alexander The Malevolent

    • 474 Words
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    Alexander is most commonly perceived as “great,” but what really makes him great? Believe it or not, the young Macedonian king was not that great after all. He took over many lands, caused major bloodshed and suffering, and he ruined cultures. This man should be known as “Alexander the Malevolent.” Alexander replaced his father King Philip at a young age. His father also was a ruthless man and Alexander only wanted to follow in his footsteps. Many people would say that it was a case of “one…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Alexander The Great

    • 1422 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Most people are at least familiar with his name. Anyone who reads history hears his name mentioned with some frequency. For millennia military leaders including Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and Augustus have been striving for accomplishments that rival his. Julius Caesar, after his military campaigns in Gaul and the civil war over Rome, is said to have lamented that his campaign was nothing compared to that of Alexander. Napoleon Bonaparte even imitated his offensive strategy from the battle of…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Alexander the Great is credited with being an exceptional ruler who conquered the majority of the known word. Accomplishing some of the most impressive and elaborate conquerings in the 300s BCE, Alexander the Great had an empire spanning from Egypt to Asia. Alexander was able to achieve such victories through his short life because of his father, his army, and his impeccable leadership abilities. A lot of the accomplishments made by Alexander the Greats can be attributed to his father…

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    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Great /ɡrāt/ (adjective): Of an extent, amount or intensity considerably above average. Alexander III of Macedonia was considered great because in only thirty two years of his life he accomplished more than almost any other ruler or ancient human. In his lifetime he was the cavalry commander, king, conqueror of the Persian empire, and explorer of the Indian frontier. It is because of these accomplishments that he is known as,” Alexander the Great.” ( staff) Alexander the great was…

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    Decent Essays
  • Improved Essays

    There are many people throughout history that were given the title “Great”. Alexander the Great is one of those people; in fact, his name is so popular it’s practically a household name. Was Alexander of Macedonia really “great” like everyone says he is? I say, yes, he was Alexander the Great. During his time as King, Alexander led many conquests. His father, Philip II of Macedonia had dreams of conquering the Persian Empire which was the largest empire at the time. When Philip was murdered in…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    This essay aims to present the importance of Alexander the Great within the history. This character represents one of the most important characters of the history; not only of the past but also to the present, his achievements transcend until our days. It is interesting to observe how the outside facts and events that made large figure of Alexander. There are many historians and thinkers who have focused in investigate and analyze the mental aspects and personal of this character. These…

    • 1015 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Alexander III achieved many things in his life, including his leadership of the best military at the time, control of one of the biggest empires ever, and influence on many kinds of cultures. All of these achievements show that Alexander deserves to be great. The main reason that most people know Alexander is that he conquered a great radius of land. The amount of land he conquered is around 2,000,000 sq miles, this feat made Macedonia one of the biggest empires, however, 10 years after his…

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