Data Aboriginal peoples are the descendants of the original inhabitants of North America and the Canadian Constitution recognized three groups of Aboriginal people– Indians, Metis, and Inuit. The total population of Aboriginal people in Canada is approximately 1.5 million with the Indians (now refereed to as First Nations) being 57%, the Metis 33% and the Inuit about 10% of the total population of Aboriginal people. (National Aboriginal Health Organization 2003) According to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), an estimated 18% of the Aboriginal population meet the criteria for clinical depression compared to non-aboriginals which are estimated at 8.2% (PHAC 2011) According to standard scales used on Statistics Canada surveys in 2001, 12% of First Nations and 3.1% of Inuit suffered a major depressive episode and 6.4% were at high risk of depression. (Statistics Canada…
misunderstandings regarding Aboriginal people that non Aboriginals seem to have built in their mind. These misconceptions are all based on stereotypes and the lack of information that non Aboriginals seem to possess about aboriginals. All these misunderstandings are what shape our modern day society, as well as our relationship with the Aboriginal people. Some of the myths that non Aboriginals seem to think are that that all Aboriginals: get free tuition, don’t pay taxes, and that Aboriginal…
Against Aboriginal People In Canada: The Fight Isn’t Over The lives of the Aboriginal people in Canada have never been the same since European settlers unjustifiably stole their native land right from under their feet. Life for Aboriginal people will always be affected by the European colonization of Canada, and discrimination against the first nations community still exists to this day. Canadian history is still impacting the Aboriginal population, including the missing and murdered…
Statistics Canada reports that in 2017, the predicted life expectancy for the total Canadian population is projected to be 79 years for men and 83 years for women. Among the Aboriginal Population, the Inuit have the lowest life expectancy of 64 years for men and 73 years for women. Metis and First Nations people have a life expectancy of 73-74 years for men and 78-80 years for women.( 2015-11-30) There is a fifteen to five years life expectancy in male and ten to three years life expectancy for…
Since 1534 when Jacques Cartier, a French mariner, first stepped foot on Canadian soil, we have been interacting with aboriginal people. A lot has changed in how we treat these Native Americans since the 16th century, but it wasn’t until recently that they were even considered persons. The Indian Act has shown that Canada has tried to bridge relations with the aboriginal people, but it has not been effective due to misreading and the unknown desires of the aboriginal people, resident schools,…
history of indigenous peoples in Canada, one thing is for certain; discriminatory and inhumane acts by European conquest, towards a unique culture has altered the Aboriginal way of life we see in Canada today. While the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), has been evolving and developing for multiple years, these 94 recommendations give important insight and suggestions in how the nation of Canada can move away from this unjust history, reconcile and work towards becoming a stronger…
indigenous peoples of Australia. They strived to constantly be in touch with their surroundings, and as a result, some tribes lived semi-nomadically; they followed natural food sources and lived in semi-permanent housing. Perhaps this is the reason that, despite their great strives for connection, the Australian Aboriginal peoples did not form great bonds between their differing cultural groups. Intensely isolated from the rest of the world, this increased separation proved fatal to the cultural…
Aboriginalities essay “How have settler constructions of aboriginal people affected aboriginal peoples?” The settler voice towards aboriginal peoples, has ingrained constructs i.e. stereotypes, into society. These stereotypes have inflicted harm and severely affected aboriginal people throughout history and to this day, but in what ways and through which medians do these coloniser interpretations express themselves in society? And what are the responses of the aboriginal peoples who are…
As you are reading this article today, remember that although Aboriginal people make up only 3% of Australia’s total population, they represent over 28% (9,940 adult prisoners) of Australia’s prison population in 2015 and this number is rising. To combat this issue, the Murri Court was established. The Murri Court was founded in Queensland in 2002 in response to the increasing representation of Indigenous Australian people in prison. This court sentences Indigenous offenders who plead guilty to…
Dispossession of Indigenous People The dispossession of indigenous people in the United States and Australia during nation-building effectively removed them from lands indigenous people thought no one could own. Through unfair acts of legislature the nations were effective in corralling the natives into reserves and in the case of the Aboriginals creating laws to govern and control every aspect of their lives. It is a detriment to a new nation to enter a new land, claim dominion and to then…