This recommendation specifically aspires for the federal government to enforce more policies to allow aboriginals to be more involved in Canada’s sport systems. While sports would give the aboriginal population an opportunity to gain social connections and become more a part of their community, general physical activity, as discussed, has numerous benefits for health and well being. In a 2010 study, it is noted that obesity among Aboriginal peoples reached levels of 26%, while non-aboriginals only reach 16%.2 Elaborating on this, the study also notes that almost all diseases and disorders are at higher rates in Aboriginals than in their non-Aboriginal counterparts. This recommendation must be adopted, or even amended in order for aboriginals to receive the equality they deserve in sports. Furthermore, the recommendation would also bring order for physical activity among aboriginals, if the article reaches the federal government, exposing the necessities sports will bring. Regardless of the legal and political actions desired for the promotion of sport and physical activity, every aboriginal must have the access to sport facilities that will allow for increased standard of living in health and well-being. While there is clearly an under-representation of Aboriginals in sports today, implementing policies to promote physical activity among aboriginals will increase these numbers while also positively decreasing the relatively poor health we currently see in the Aboriginal
This recommendation specifically aspires for the federal government to enforce more policies to allow aboriginals to be more involved in Canada’s sport systems. While sports would give the aboriginal population an opportunity to gain social connections and become more a part of their community, general physical activity, as discussed, has numerous benefits for health and well being. In a 2010 study, it is noted that obesity among Aboriginal peoples reached levels of 26%, while non-aboriginals only reach 16%.2 Elaborating on this, the study also notes that almost all diseases and disorders are at higher rates in Aboriginals than in their non-Aboriginal counterparts. This recommendation must be adopted, or even amended in order for aboriginals to receive the equality they deserve in sports. Furthermore, the recommendation would also bring order for physical activity among aboriginals, if the article reaches the federal government, exposing the necessities sports will bring. Regardless of the legal and political actions desired for the promotion of sport and physical activity, every aboriginal must have the access to sport facilities that will allow for increased standard of living in health and well-being. While there is clearly an under-representation of Aboriginals in sports today, implementing policies to promote physical activity among aboriginals will increase these numbers while also positively decreasing the relatively poor health we currently see in the Aboriginal