Structural barrier is caused by the deeply entrenched institutional racism and white privilege in the Australian health system. Henry, Houston, and Mooney (2004) described the impacts of colonisation and its consequences to the well-being of Indigenous Australians. Little was done to address the impartiality they experience with the health system in spite of the government being aware of their current situation (Henry, Houston, & Mooney 2004). Conversely, the government’s effort to provide culturally secure services to Aboriginal people does not materialise due to inadequate funding (Henry, Houston, & Mooney 2004). In addition, the idea that the Indigenous Australians are able to cope with the changes within the health system is also a major drawback for them (McBain-Rigg and Veitch, 2011). Also, Marmot (2011) stressed the health suffrage of people situated at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy due to the power imbalance in the system. The Indigenous group being marginalised, continue to experience the detrimental impact of structural barriers to
Structural barrier is caused by the deeply entrenched institutional racism and white privilege in the Australian health system. Henry, Houston, and Mooney (2004) described the impacts of colonisation and its consequences to the well-being of Indigenous Australians. Little was done to address the impartiality they experience with the health system in spite of the government being aware of their current situation (Henry, Houston, & Mooney 2004). Conversely, the government’s effort to provide culturally secure services to Aboriginal people does not materialise due to inadequate funding (Henry, Houston, & Mooney 2004). In addition, the idea that the Indigenous Australians are able to cope with the changes within the health system is also a major drawback for them (McBain-Rigg and Veitch, 2011). Also, Marmot (2011) stressed the health suffrage of people situated at the bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy due to the power imbalance in the system. The Indigenous group being marginalised, continue to experience the detrimental impact of structural barriers to