It’s a significant issue because there are increasing disproportionate numbers of Aboriginals in prison throughout the provinces (La Prairie, 2002, p. 182). For example, incarceration rates of Aboriginals augmented by 37.3% while female Aboriginal offenders encompass 33% of the overall prisoner population in Canada (Government of Canada, 2016). It conveys that there are some indications of systemic racism in the justice system by police and judges. For instance, there are significant amounts of over-policing in Aboriginal communities compared to non-Aboriginals, which reveals that indigenous people are specifically targeted for civic offenses by the police depending on their discretion (La Prairie, 2002, pp. 189-191). Police discretion can involve prejudice against indigenous communities because they are continuously under surveillance by law enforcement agencies, which leads to overrepresentation of Aboriginals in the justice system (La Prairie, 2002, pp. 189-191). However, over-policing can also be influenced by presence of actual crime in these indigenous neighbourhoods because Aboriginals experience poverty to a greater extent that causes them to commit criminal activities including theft, burglary or joining gangs (Fitzgerald & Carrington, 2008, pp.
It’s a significant issue because there are increasing disproportionate numbers of Aboriginals in prison throughout the provinces (La Prairie, 2002, p. 182). For example, incarceration rates of Aboriginals augmented by 37.3% while female Aboriginal offenders encompass 33% of the overall prisoner population in Canada (Government of Canada, 2016). It conveys that there are some indications of systemic racism in the justice system by police and judges. For instance, there are significant amounts of over-policing in Aboriginal communities compared to non-Aboriginals, which reveals that indigenous people are specifically targeted for civic offenses by the police depending on their discretion (La Prairie, 2002, pp. 189-191). Police discretion can involve prejudice against indigenous communities because they are continuously under surveillance by law enforcement agencies, which leads to overrepresentation of Aboriginals in the justice system (La Prairie, 2002, pp. 189-191). However, over-policing can also be influenced by presence of actual crime in these indigenous neighbourhoods because Aboriginals experience poverty to a greater extent that causes them to commit criminal activities including theft, burglary or joining gangs (Fitzgerald & Carrington, 2008, pp.