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83 Cards in this Set

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Mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx


Specific protein produced by B cells to destroy antigens, immunoglobulins released in the presence of bacteria viruses and antigens, antibodies are specific to antigens and inactivate them


Substances the body recognizes as foreign; evokes an immune response. Most antigens are proteins or protein fragments found on the surface of bacteria, viruses, or organ transplant tissue cells

Adaptive immunity

The ability to recognize and remember specific antigens and Mount an attack on them. Humoral B cells and cell meditated immunity t cells are examples

Axillary nodes

Lymph nodes in the armpit (upper arm)

B cell (B lymphocyte)

Lymphocytes that matures into a plasma cell to secrete antibodies. The B refers to the bone marrow which is where B cells most often originate

Cell-meditated immunity

T cells (cytotoxic, helper, suppressor) respond to antigens and Destroy them; a type of adaptive immunity

Cervical nodes

Lymph nodes in the neck region

Complement system

Set of proteins in the blood that help antibodies kill their target


Protein secreted by cytotoxic T-cells to Aid in antigen destruction. Examples are interferons and interleukins

Cytotoxic T-cell

A lymphocyte that are directly destroys antigens, called a CD8+ t cell

Dendrite cell

Antigen-presenting cell. Shows T and B cells where to attack

Helper T cell

Lymphocyte that aids B cells and stimulates T-cells; CD4 + T cell

Humoral immunity

B cells produce antibodies after exposure to specific antigens; type of adaptive immunity


The body's ability to resist foreign organisms and toxins that damage tissues and organs. This includes a natural immunity and adaptive immunity


Protein with antibody activity, g a m e d, produced by plasma cells mature b cells in the presence of antigens


use of immune cells, antibodies, or vaccines to treat disease

Inguinal nodes

Lymph nodes in the groin region


Proteins (cytokines) secreted by T cells and other cells to Aid and regulate the immune response


Proteins (cytokines) that stimulate the growth of B & T lymphocytes

Interstitial fluid

Fluid in the spaces between cells. This fluid becomes lymph when it enters lymph capillaries


Thin, watery fluid found within lymphatic vessels and collected from tissues throughout the body

Lymph capillaries

The tiniest lymphatic vessels

Lymphoid organs

Lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus gland. Tonsils and adenoids are examples of lymphoid organs

Lymph node

Collection of stationary solid lymphatic tissue along lymph vessels; contains cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) that fight infection

Lymph vessel

Carrier of lymph throughout the body; lymphatic vessels empty lymph into veins in the upper part of the chest


Large phagocyte found in lymph nodes and other tissues of the body. Phag/o means to eat or swallow

Mediastinal nodes

Lymph nodes in the area between the lungs in the chest cavity

Mesenteric nodes

Lymph nodes in the mesentery (intestinal region)

Monoclonal antibody

Antibody produced in a laboratory to attack antigens and to destroy cells; useful in immunotherapy

Natural immunity

Protection that an individual is born with to fight infection such as neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and NK cells. It is not antigen-specific and does not elicit memory

Paraaortic nodes

Lymph nodes near the aorta in the lumbar (waist) area of the body

Plasma cell

Lymphocytes that secrete antibodies. It matures from B lymphocytes

Right lymphatic duct

Lymphatic vessel in the chest that drains lymph from the upper right part of the body. It empties lymph into a large vein in the neck


Organ in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen that destroys worn-out red blood cells, activates lymphocytes, and stores blood

Suppressor T cell

Lymphocyte that inhibits the activity of B & T cells. Also called a treg (regulatory T-cell)

T Cell (t lymphocyte)

Lymphocyte that acts directly on antigens to destroy them or produce chemicals (cytokines) such as interferons and interleukins that are toxic to antigens


Ability of T lymphocytes to recognize and accept the body's own antigens as self or friendly. Once tolerance is established, the immune system will not react against the body's own cells

Thoracic duct

Large lymphatic vessel that drains lymph from the lower and left side of the body (head, neck, arm, and chest). It empties lymph into large veins in the neck

Thymus gland

Lymphoid organ in the mediastinum that conditions T cells to react to foreign cells and aids in the immune response


Masses of lymphatic tissue in the back of the oropharynx


Poison; a protein produced by certain bacteria, animals, or plants


Exposure of an individual to a foreign protein (antigen) that provokes an immune response. The response will destroy any cell that possesses the antigen on its surface and will protect against infection.


Weakened or dead antigen is given to induce production of antibodies. This results in adaptive immunity






Lymph node (gland)




Thymus gland




Again, anew



Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Group of clinical signs and symptoms associated with suppression of the immune system and marked by opportunistic infections, secondary neoplasms, and neurological problems


Yeast-like fungus (candida), normally present in the mouth, skin, interstitial track, and vagina, overgrows, causing infection of the mouth (thrush), respiratory tract, and skin

Cryptococcal infection (crypto)

Yeast-like fungus (cryptococcus) causes lung, brain, and blood infections. Pathogen is found in Pigeon droppings and nesting places, air, water, and soil


Parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract and brain and spinal cord. The pathogen, cryptosporidium, is one celled organism commonly found in farm animals

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection

Virus causes enteritis and retinitis (inflammation of the retina at the back of the eye). Found in saliva, semen, cervical secretions, urine, feces, blood, and breastmilk, but usually causes disease only when the immune system is compromised

Herpes simplex

Viral infection causes small blisters on the skin of the lips or nose or on the genitals. Herpes simplex virus also can cause encephalitis

Histoplasmosis (histo)

Fungal infection caused by inhalation of dust contaminated with histoplasma capsulatum; causes fever, chills, and lung infection. Pathogen is found in bird and bat droppings

Mycobacterium avium intercellular (Mai) complex infection

Bacterial disease manifesting with fever, malaise, night sweats, anorexia, diarrhea, weight loss, and Lung and blood infections

Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)

One-celled organism causes lung infection, with fever, cough, and chest pain. Pathogen is found in air, water, and soil and is carried by animals. Infection is treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (bactrim), a combination of several antibiotics, or pentamidine. Aerosolized pentamidine, which is inhaled, can prevent ocurrence of PCP

Toxoplasmosis (toxo)

Parasitic infection involving the central nervous system (CNS) and causing fever, chills, visual disturbances, confusion, hemiparesis (slight paralysis in the half of the body), and seizures. Pathogen (Toxoplasma) is acquired by eating uncooked lamb or pork, unpasteurized dairy products, or raw eggs or vegetables

Tuberculosis TV

Bacterial disease (caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis) involving the lungs, brain, and other organs. Signs and symptoms are fever, cough, loss of weight, anorexia, and blood in sputum


Abnormal hypersensitivity acquired by exposure to an antigen, allergic (all/o = other)


Malignant tumour of lymph nodes and lymph tissue

Multiple myeloma

Malignant tumour of bone marrow cells


Tumour of the thymus gland

CD4 + cell count

Measures of the number of CD4+ T cells (helper T cells) in the bloodstream of patients with AIDS


Screening test to detect anti-hiv antibodies in the bloodstream


Test that separates immunoglobulins (g a m e d)

Viral load test

Measurement of the amount of AIDS virus (HIV) in the bloodstream

Computed tomography (CT) scan

X-ray Imaging produces cross-sectional and other views of anatomic structures

Autoimmune disease

Examples are rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. These are chronic, disabling diseases caused by the abnormal production of antibodies against normal body tissues. Signs and symptoms are inflammation of joints, skin rash, and fever. Glucocorticoid drugs (prednisone) and other immunosuppressants (Azathioprine, Methotrexate) are effective in treatment but make patients susceptible to infection


This may occur because of exposure to drugs (corticosteroids) or as a result of disease (AIDS and cancer). Immunosuppressed patients are susceptible to infection with fungi, pneumocystis bacteria, and pathogens.


Interstitial fluid collects within the spaces between cells as a result of obstruction of lymphatic vessels and nodes. Radiation therapy May destroy lymphatics and produced lymphedema, as in breast cancer treatment


The condition may be congenital or result from surgical removal


Syndrome marked by splenomegaly and often associated with blood cell destruction, anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia


The suffix -phylaxis means protection, this is an unusual hypersensitivity to previously encountered form proteins or other antigens. Vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure can be life-threatening

Interstitial fluid

The suffix -stitial means pertaining to standing or positioned

Kaposi sarcoma

A cancer arising from the lining of cells of capillaries that produce dark purplish skin nodules and lymphoma cancer of lymph nodes

Wasting syndrome

Marked by weight loss and decrease in muscular strength, appetite, and mental activity, Also may occur with AIDS

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Malignant tumour of the lymphoid tissue in the spleen and lymph nodes

Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia

A disorder of malignant b-cells