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39 Cards in this Set

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Neve cells

Transmit info within body

2 types of signaling:

1. Electrical signals (long distance) and 2. chemical signals (short distance)


Clusters of neurons

Complex organization of neurons is a brain

Interpreting signals in the nervous system involves sorting a complex set of paths and connections


Highly branched extensions the revive signals from other neurons

Most of organelles in neurons are in

Cell body


Typically much longer extension that transmit signal to other cells at synapses

Axon hillock

Cone shaped base of axon

Where cell body turns into the axon

Important bc this is where the cell decides if it is going to send message or not


Space between a axon and another cell

Synaptic terminal of one axon passes info in form of chemical message (NTs)

Presynaptic cell vs postsynaptic cells

Giver to receiver

Can be a neuron, muscle, or gland cell

Glia or glial cells

Nourish neurons or insulated cells (myelin sheath)

Form blood brain barrier

Will clean up NTs to modify signaling

Outnumbers neurons like 10:1

3 stages of processing info

1. Sensory input: sensory neurons (external or internal stimuli such as stretch receptors in bladder or light tough and smell)

2. Integration: interneurons (analyze and interpret)

3. Motor output: motor neurons (signals to motor cells to contract or glandular activity)

Nervous system

Central nervous system (CNS): integration takes place, includes brain and spinal cord

Peripheral nervous system (PNS): carries info in and out of CNS. Neurons of PNSwhen bundled together form nerves (sensory and motor)

Membrane potential

A voltage (difference in electrical charge) across its plasma membrane

Resting potential

The membrane potential of a neuron not sending a signal (-60 to -80 mV)

Action potential

Changes in Membrane potential

This is the signal for transmitting or processing info

Formation of resting potential

In most at resting potential:

Concentration of K is higher inside cell and concentration of Na is higher outside the cell

These concentration gradients represent chemical potential energy

Sodium potassium pumps

Use energy of ATP to maintain these K and Na gradients across the plasma membrane

Pumps 3 Na into extracellular space and 2 K into intracellular space

Sets up concentration gradient

Ion channels

Opening in plasma membrane for a specific ion across the membrane converting chemical potential to electrical potential

A neuron at rest, has many open K channels and fewer Na channels open (K diffuses out of cell)

This contributes to -70 mV

Build up of negative charge inside cell

Equals major source of membrane potential

Equilibrium potential

Membrane voltage for a particular ion at equilibrium and can be calculated using the Nernst equation

At equilibrium, electrical/chemical gradients are balanced

Equilibrium potential of K is negative (-90mV) while EQ of Na is positive (+62mV)



Voltage Gated ion channels and ligand ion gated channels

Open or close in response to a stimuli (in voltage, respond to change in voltage)

Ligand ion channel: something binds and opens or close it


Increase in magnitude of the membrane potential

Brings the potential towards -90mV (= K Equilibrium)

When gated potassium channels open, K diffuses out making inside of cell more negative


A reduction in the membrane potential

Opening other channels (like sodium)

Brings potential to +62mV (= Na equilibrium)

Graded potentials

Changes in polarization where the magnitude of the change varies with the strength of the stimulus

These are not action potentials but do have effect on generation of nerve cells

As long as Sub threshold, little effect

Action potentials

If graded potentials cross threshold, then action potential occurs

Depolarization shifts the membrane potential sufficiently leading to change in membrane voltage

All or nothing, Transmits signals over long distances, constant magnitude

Results from voltage gated ion channels opening or closing after hitting -55 mV (threshold)

Generation of action potential (5 steps)..step 1

Resting state

Gated Na and K ion channels are closed. More open K than Na

Leak channels are open

Step 2


Action potential is generated

Voltage gated Na channels open first and Na flows into cell

Step 3

Rising phase

Threshold is crossed and membrane potential increases

Gets more positive inside the cell and when it hits -55mV

Step 4

Falling phase

Never hit Na +62 bc..

Voltage gated ion channels inactivate (plug hole to stop Na ions coming in)

voltage gated K channels open ad K flows out of out of cell

Step 4

Falling phase

Never hit Na +62 bc..

Voltage gated ion channels inactivate (plug hole to stop Na ions coming in)

voltage gated K channels open ad K flows out of out of cell

Step 5

Undershoot phase

Membrane permeability to K is at first higher than at rest

Voltage gated K channels close

Resting potential is restored

Refractory period

After action potential, 2nd cannot happen due to “ball and chain” on voltage gated Na channels remain inactivated

Conduction of action potential

Axon hillock (site of generated action potential)

An electrical current depolarizes the neighboring region of the axon membrane

Travel in only one direction: toward synaptic terminals

Inactivated Na channels behind the zone of depolarization prevent action potential from traveling backwards (refractory period)

The rate which action potentials are produced in a neuron is proportional to...

Input signal strength

ie: sound is triggered or not (all or nothing), but higher volume of sound triggers faster action potential

Mutations in gated ion channels

Gated ion channels and action potentials are important in nervous system

Mutation in these genes that encode ion channels can lead to disorders of nervous system, brain, muscle, heart

ie: mutation in Na channels in skeletal muscle can create myotonia (too much contraction) or in brain can lead to epilepsy

The fatter the axon diameter...

The faster the action potential is

Myelin sheath

In vertebrates, axons are insulated by myelin which causes an action potentials speed to increase

Made by glia (oligodendrocytes in CNS and Schwann cells in PNS)

Deficiency in forming myelin sheath leads to multiple sclerosis and Guilin barre

Nodes of ranvier

Gaps in melon sheath (exposed plasma membrane) where voltage gated Na channels are restricted too

Allows for saltatory conduction

Saltatory conduction

Jumping btw nodes

Rapid signal conduction inside myelinated portion of axon

Makes the conduction move faster bc not taking time to open more Na channels