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31 Cards in this Set

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3 factors affecting allele frequencies

1. Natural selection

2. Genetic drift

3. Gene flow

mutations are low and rare, random mating doesn’t have a big effect in the overall gene pool so little impact on evolution

Natural selection and allele frequency

Selection results in alleles being passed to the next generation in proportions that differ from those in present generation

Causes adaptive evolution

Ex: DDT-resistant allele in fruit flies was 0% before 1930. DDT comes out and 30 years later, The allele was in 37% of the population

Adaptive evolution

A process in which traits that enhance survival or reproduction increase over time

Ex: DDT-resistant allele in fruit flies

Genetic drift

How allele frequencies fluctuate in predictably from one generation to the next By chance

Size of population matters. Smaller, greater chance will impact vs larger (coin flip example)

Reduces genetic variation through losses of alleles

2 types: founder effect and bottle neck effect

Founder effect

Few individuals become isolated from larger population and start a new population

Allele frequencies in the small founder population can be different from those in the other population

Ex: Maple syrup urine disease: having extra finger or toes often occur more in the Amish population

Ex: island that has increase in blindness due to be inhabited by a small group (someone had this allele and the gene pool is smaller)

Bottleneck effect

Occurs if there is a dramatic reduction in population size due to a sudden change in environment

The resulting gene pool may no longer be like the original population gene pool

If remains small may be further affected by genetic drift

Genetic drift summary

1. More significant in smaller populations

2. Can cause allele frequencies to change at random

3. Can lead to loss of genetic variation within populations

4. Can cause harmful alleles to become fixed

Gene flow

Movement of alleles among populations

Alleles can be transferred through movement of fertile individuals or gametes (pollen)

Reduce variation among populations over time

Ex: if it happened a lot among humans we would all blend together

Gene flow can affect adaptation to local environments

Snakes on mainland with bands and snakes on island with no bands which makes them safe

No natural selection bc mainland snakes keep going to island and adding band-genes in the population

Gene flow can increase or decrease fitness of a population

Consider the spread of alleles for resistance to insecticide in mosquitoes

Gene flow is an important agent of evolutionary change in modern human populations

Only mechanism that consistently causes adaptive evolution

Natural selection

Through sorting alleles that are favored and by chance

Only natural selection can increase the frequencies of alleles that provide reproduction

Acts on an organisms phenotype

Relative fitness

Contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to the contributions of other individuals (more kids, more success)

Phrases imply competition among individuals. Reproductive success is more subtle

3 modes of selection

1. Directional

2. Disruptive

3. Stabilizing

Directional selection

Favor individuals at one extreme end of phenotype range

Disruptive selection

Favors individuals at both extremes of phenotypic range

Dark and light mice match dark and light rocks

Stabilizing selection

Favors intermediate variants and acts against extreme phenotypes

Three selections


Adaptive evolution

Occurs at the degree to which a species is well suited for life for life in its environment improves

Because the environment can change, continued process

Does not consistently increase the frequency of alleles that enhance survival and reproduction

Genetic drift and gene flow

Increases frequency of alleles that enhance survival and reproduction

Natural selection

Genetic drift and gene flow can increase or decrease

Sexual selection

A process in which individuals with a certain inherited characteristics are more likely to acquire mates than other individuals of the same sex

Sexual dimorphism

Marked differences btw the sexes in secondary sexual characteristics (aka sexes look difference) IE: peacocks: male is colorful, female is brown

Intrasexual selection

Direct competition among individuals of one sex for mates (often males)

Deers, monkeys

Intersexual selection

Mate choice usually in females who are choosy. (Showiness like with the peacocks)

Good genes hypothesis

Ie: In frogs, Females like a long call. Does it mean better genes? Took short call frogs and long call frogs sperm and IVFd it with eggs. Long call progeny had better survival, larvae growth, and matured faster

Balancing selection

When natural selection maintains stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms in a population

2 types: frequency-dependent and heterozygote advantage


Fitness of phenotype depends on how common it is in the population

Ie: equal numbers of fish are born right mouthed or left mouthed. Eat scales. Population of left mouth increases, fish learn to guard themselves on that side. So then right mouths increase.

Heterozygote advantage

Heterozygote genotype has higher fitness than both homozygotes

Ie: sickle cell. People who are Aa have ability to fight off malaria but aa will make you sick and AA will not fight off malaria

Natural selection cannot fashion perfect organisms

1. Selection can act only on existing variations

2. Evolution is limited (arms becomes wings)

3. Adaptations are often compromises (human shoulder is flexible but vulnerable to injury and if we wanted to boost structure, we would have less flexibility)

4. Chance natural selection and the environment interact

List of what humans deal with

Compromises. Need each of these.

Child birth pain: we are upright and so we have a smaller pelvis holes and grew brains

Anxiety disorders: we needed to be alert, fight, flight or freeze

Evolutionary reasons we are vulnerable to disease

See pic