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42 Cards in this Set

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Different Types of skeletal muscles

Classified by source of ATP powering muscle activity or by speed of contraction


Slow oxidative

Fast oxidative

Fast glycolytic


Protein Binds oxygen more tightly than hemoglobin does

In fish and poultry, light meat (glycolytic fibers), dark meat (oxidative fibers)

Slow twitch

Aerobic, steady power, endurance

Slow, but sustain longer

Have less SR than fast twitch and pump Ca slowly

All slow twitch are oxidative

Fast twitch

Anaerobic, explosive power, fatigues easily

Enables brief, rapid, powerful contractions

Can be either glycolytic or oxidative

Cardiac muscle

Sinoatrial Node are self-excitable (autorythmic) -Generate action potential throughout myocardium causing heart to contract as single unit

Intercalated discs (special regions that interlock cells), gap junctions that provide direct electrical coupling btw cells

No individual motor units or recruitment

Refractory period is longer, prevents tetanic contractions

Smooth muscle

Lacks striations bc actin and myosin are not regularly arrayed

Regulates by Ca through plasma membrane, different than skeletal or cardiac (lacks Troponin complexes and poor SR)

Ca ions bind to protein calmodulin to cause contractions

Skeletal system

Provides a rigid structure to which muscles attract

Attached in antagonistic pairs, but work cooperatively

Skeletons of small and large animals have different portions

Body posture: The position of the legs relative to the body is important in determining how much weight the legs can bear

Muscles and tendons hold the legs of large animals straight and positioned under the body, bearing most of the load

Hydrostatic skeletons

Fluid-based support

Movement=muscles changing shape of fluid compartment (peristalsis)

Flatworms, cnidarians, nematodes, annelids


External hard parts

Made of calcium carbonate or chitin

Movement=Jointed, crawling

Insects, anthropoids, mollusks


Internal hard parts

Movement=Jointed, swimming, walking, flying

Sponges to mammals

Human skeleton





Active travel from place to place

Energy is expended to overcome gravity


Responsible for hearing and body equilibrium


Organ that Maintains equilibrium using mechanoreceptrs that detect movement of granules


Granules (movement detects equilibrium )

Provide info about body position with respect to gravity

Insects and equilibrium

Have body hairs that vibrate in response to sound waves

Hairs have different stiffness and length

Detect sound by organs (ears) a tympanic membrane stretched over an internal air chamber

Sounds waves vibrate tympanic membrane, stim receptors


Stimulus, pressurized sound waves

Ear transduces pressure into nerve impulses that brain perceives as sound

Relies on sensory receptors that are hair cells (a type of mechanoreceptors)

Tympanic membrane

Vibrates when hearing (ear drum)

Separates outer ear from middle ear

Bones in middle ear

Malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrups)

Transmit vibrations of moving air to the oval window on cochlea


Fluid in cochlea that travels through vestibular canal

Creates pressure waves from vibrations of the 3 bones


Contains 2 large canals separated by cochlear duct

Pressure waves push down on the cochlear duct and basilar membrane causing membrane and attached hairs to vibrate up and down

Organ of Corti

Floor of the cochlear duct, the Basilar membrane

Contains mechanoreceptors of the ear (hair cells projecting into cochlear duct

Many are attached to the tectorial membrane (hangs over organ of Corti)

Sounds waves make the basilar membrane vibrate which results in bending of hairs and depolarization

Hair cells

Vibration of basilar membrane raises and lowers hair cells which bends hairs against the surrounding fluid and tectorial membrane

Bending in one direction depolarizes (increasing NT release and frequency of action potentials)

bending in the other direction hyperpolarizes (decreasing Nts and frequency of auditory sensations

Dampening of sound waves

The 3 bones produce the vibration against the round window which creates pressure waves in cochlear.

Pressure waves travel through vestibular canal of cochlear and pass around the apex following the tympanic canal dissipating at the end

This resets apparatus for next vibrations that arrive

Volume and pitch

Vol: amplitude of sound wave

Pitch: freq of sound wave

The cochlea can distinguish bc the basilar membrane is not uniform along its length

Each region of basilar membrane is tuned to a particular vibration frequency

High pitch freq bs low pitch freq

High: high freq waves, detected by cells with shorter hair bundles located closest to where sound enters ear

Low: low freq waves, detected by taller cells located further toward apex

Pattern progress through several thousand hair cells


Based on amount of NT released (more NT, higher sound)

More vigorous vibration of basilar membrane, more bending of hairs, more action potentials

Basilar membrane and pitch/volume

Narrows and stiffens to widens and more flexible

The higher the freq, the closer vibration to the oval window

Region vibrating most vigorously triggers highest frequency of action potential

Vestibular system

Sensory organ essential for movement and equilibrium

Several inner ear organs can detect body movement, head position, and spatial orientation

Involved in motor functions that allow keeping balance, stabilizing head and body during movement and maintain posture

Vestibular labyrinth

3 semicircular canals contain fluid and can detect angular movement in any direction in the ampullae

Semicircular canals

Rotation, angle of head, anterior-forward, backward; posterior- nodding up/down; lateral- shaking side to side

Rotational equilibrium

Ampullae of semicircular canals contain hair cells with stereocilla embedded in cupula.

When head rotates, culpula is displaced, bending stereocilla sending nerve impulses

Utricle and saccule

U: horizontal; S: is vertical

Contain hair cells projecting into gel material


Granules embedded in gel of utricle and saccule

Allow perception of position relative to gravity or linear movement

Responsible in perceiving acceleration


Infection, head trauma, side effects of drugs

Age associated 20-60 yrs. 1st lose high pitch

Mumps and measles at birth



Feeling movement when no motion is occurring

Benign position vertigo



Feeling movement when no motion is occurring

Benign position vertigo

Meniers disease

Vertigo, tinnitus (ringin in ear), hearing loss, increase vol of fluid

Lateral line system

Detects water movement

Mechanreceptors with hair cells

Helps fish with movement through water, prey, predators