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31 Cards in this Set

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What is the tissue whose osmolarity is maintained?

Interstitial fluid in kidney

Proximal tubule

Filtrate volume decreases as water and salt are absorbed

Osmolarity stays the same (it’s about 300)

Descending limb of loop of Henle

Solutes become more concentrated due to water leaving the tubule by osmosis because the interstitial fluid concentration goes up as you go closer to the medulla

Filtrate also becomes concentrated bc its losing water

There is also numerous water channels formed by proteins called aquaporin that allow diffusion into interstitial fluid

Ascending limb of loop of henle

NaCl diffuses through bottom ascending.

Does not have aquaporin proteins and the membrane that faces the filtrate is impermeable to water

This maintains high osmolarity (concentration) in the interstitial fluid of the renal medulla

At top of ascending, where it’s thicker, it becomes active transport from filtrate which makes it more dilute as it goes up to distal tube

Juxtamedullary nephrons

Contain the deep loop of henle

Countercurrent multiplier systems

Involving the loop of henle

Maintains a high salt concentration in the kidney

Like a countercurrent exchange system except that it expends energy

Vasa recta and countercurrent exchange system

Supplies the kidney with nutrients without interfering with the osmolarity gradient

Part of network fo capillaries that surrounds the tubules (the netting that surrounds the loop of henle)

Blood goes down and back out, in countercurrent set up that allows blood supply in deep part of kidney where it gains salt and loses water while supplying nutrients to kidney, but then comes back up where it loses the salt and gains back the water so it does not continue on with salty blood to the rest of the body.

Collecting duct

Osmosis extracts water from filtrate as it passes interstitial fluid of increasing osmolarity

More aquaporins to diffuse water out

Some active transport of NaCl before it gets to the bottom of duct

Urine produced (about 1200 moles/ L) is isoosmotic to interstitial fluid of inner medulla but hyperosmotic to blood (300 mol/L)

Adaptations to diverse environments

Variations in nephron structure and function

Juxtamedullary nephron is key to conserving water

Dry habitats=longer henle loops and more jux nephrons (ours is 1200 but dessert mouse is 9000)

Fresh water =shorter loops

Kidney function in vampire bats

Feeds at night on blood and need to take in double the amount of their own weight which can impair flight

Bc of this, they can release large amount of dilute urine so they can fly home

Bc blood is highly protein-based and water is scarce, their kidneys can switch to creating small amounts of hyperosmotic urine to conserve water

Birds and other reptiles

Birds have short loops of henle and Do not rely on kidneys for water conservation. They conserve by excreting Uric acid instead of urea

Other reptiles only have cortical nephrons but reabsorb water from waste in the cloaca


Freshwater: conserve salt in their distal tubes and excrete large volumes of dilute urine

Amphibians: conserve water on land by reabsorbing in bladder

Marine: hypoosmotic compared with environment so their kidneys have small glomeruli and some have none at all. Also filtration rate is low and very little urine is excreted


Increase production of urine

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Osmoreceptor cells in hypothalamus that monitor blood osmolarity and regulate release of ADH from posterior pituitary (neuronal system vs anterior which is endocrine)

When osmolarity rises above set point (300 mol/L), ADH release into blood stream increases

How does ADH work?

ADH bonds to receptors molecules on collecting duct and distal tubules

This increases number of aquaporin proteins in the lumen side of collecting duct

More water is absorbed from filtrate reducing urine volume and lowering blood osmolarity

What also happens when hypothalamus increases ADH?

The hypothalamus triggers thirst because the ADH only conserves, doesn’t increase water

ADH problems

Alcohol is a diuretic bc it inhibits release of ADH, per more and higher salt concentration.

Mutation in ADH production or in receptors causes diabetes insipidus

Both cases: lots of dilute urine, dehydration, solute imbalance

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)

Part of a complex feedback circuit

A drop in blood pressure near glomerulus causes the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA) -monitors blood pressure-to release enzyme renin

Renin cleaves protein from liver angiotensinogen to form angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is then cleaves by ACE (another enzyme) to form Angiotensin II.

2 jobs of angiotensin II

1. It causes vasoconstriction to increase blood pressure, decreases blood flow to kidneys

2. Stimulates aldosterone which increase absorption of NaCl and water in distal tubules and releasing back to interstitial fluid. This increases blood volume and and pressure

Differences btw RAAS and ADH

Both increase water and reabsorption

ADH restores osmolarity

RAAS responds to decrease blood pressure

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

In walls of heart (atria)

Oppose RAAS

Elevated blood pressure/ volume, releases ANP which inhibits release of renin

High blood pressure=reduce blood volume

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)

Blocks production of angiotensin II



Inhibits active transport of Na at ascending loop and distal loop

NaCl stays in filtrate and water follows salt so less water leaves filtrate

Reduces blood volume to counter higher blood pressure

Chronic kidney disease/ kidney failure

Hypertension: leading cause of kidney disease bc damages blood vessels

Arteries narrow and weaken and harden which limits blood flow to kidney=restricted filtration

Damage to capillaries and glomerulus affect health of nephron cells and ability of glomerulus to filter

HTN from diabetes

Treat with dialysis or transplant

Parathyroid hormone and vitamin D: control of blood calcium

Calcium is in muscle contraction, nerve conduction and blood clotting

If blood Ca falls: skeletal muscles contract convulsively (a fetal condition called tetany)

If blood Ca rises: precipitates of Ca phosphate can form in body tissues leading to organ damage (metastatic calcification)

2 antagonistic hormones regulate the homeostasis of Ca in blood

Parathyroid hormone (PTH): released by parathyroid glands

Calcitonin: released by thyroid gland

Parathyroid glands

A set of 4 small glands on surface of thyroid

Produce PTH

Regulate blood Ca set point of 10mg/100mL

When blood Ca falls..

Parathyroid glands release PTH

PTH causes the mineralized matrix of bone to decompose (helped by osteoclasts) releasing Ca into the blood

PTH stimulate reabsorption of Ca through renal tubules in kidneys

Stimulates kidneys to activate vitamin D calcitriol which promotes uptake of Ca in intestine


Inactive form of vitamin D obtained from food or made in skin

Activation of vitamin D begins in liver and completes in kidney

Active form of vitamin D acts on intestines to take in more Ca form food


Bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue-lack of bone density

Body typically replaces bone tissue but slows in replacing old bone tissue (remodeling)

Due to hormonal changes or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D

Tx: bisphosphonates

Blood Ca level rises...

Negative feedback loop inhibits release of PTH from PT glands

Calcitonin: decreases blood Ca

-stimulates Ca deposition in bones (helped by osteoblasts)

-enhances Ca release in kidney

Calcitonin is required in fish and rodents but is only needed in humans during childhood (bone growth extensive)