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33 Cards in this Set

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Controls solute concentrations and balances water gain and loss

Relative concentration of water and solutes must be maintained within narrow limits


Rids body of nitrogenous metabolites and other waste products

Driving force for movement of water and solutes...

Diffusion and osmosis on a concentration gradient across plasma membrane


Solute concentration of a solution

Determines which way the water will move


Water molecules cross membrane at equal rates in both directions


Less concentrated, more water


More concentrated, less water

Hypertonic vs hypotonic of cell

Hyper: will lyse

Hypo: will shrivel


Isoosmotic with their surroundings, do not regulate osmolarity


Expend energy to control water uptake and loss in a hypo or hyperosmotic environment

Benefits have allowed for us to move to land


Narrow salt

Cannot tolerate substantial changes in external osmolarity

This is us


Broad salt

Animals can survive large fluctuations in external osmolarity

Marine animals

Most invertebrates are osmoconformers

Most vertebrates and some inv. Are osmoregulators

More likely to be hypoosmotic to seawater (always losing water)

To manage this: drink large amounts of seawater and eliminate ingested salts through their gills and kidneys

Freshwater animals

Constantly taking in water. Hyperosmotic

Lose salt by diffusion due to this so they maintain balance by drinking almost no water and excreting large amounts of dilute urine

Salt lost by diffusion are replaced in foods and by uptake across gills


Adaptations for animals that Live in puddles

Lose almost all their body water and survive in a dormant state

ie: Tardigrade: dehydrates from 85% water to 2% water in the dehydrated inactive state. Have high concentration of trehalose (sugar that serves as water in a gel)

Adaptations for land animals

Body coverings: wax, shells, skin

Nocturnal: at night prevents evaporation of water from sun

Maintain water balance by eating moist food and producing water through cellular respiration

Osmoregulators expend ebergy

Amount of energy differs based on:

How different animal’s osmolarity is from its surroundings

How easily water and solutes move across animals surface

Work required to pump solutes across membrane

Transport epithelia

Specialized of epithelial cells that control movement of solutes in specific directions

Arranged with tubular networks

Nasal glands of marine birds removed excess salt from blood (countercurrent system)

Nitrogenous waste reflects animals habitat and phylogeny

Type and quantity of waste may affect water balance

Waste includes nitrogenous, proteins, and nucleus acids in forms of: ammonia, urea, and Uric acid (least toxic)

These differ in toxicity and energy cost


Animals that excrete nitrogenous waste as ammonia need access to lots of water

Ammonia is high toxicity (need water to get rid of it) yet easy to make

Often fish and invertebrates bc you need the water


Less toxic than ammonia yet energy costing (converts from ammonia to urea cost energy)

Requires less water to excrete

In most mammals and many marine species

Uric acid

Insects, snails, reptiles, birds


Does not dissolve readily in water and more like a paste with little water loss

Much more costly energy wise

3 things leads to how to excrete..

1. Animals environment and history (fish have more water, but others not having more water so fish use ammonia)

2. Immediate environment of egg (Uric acid is safe in egg vs other two)

3. Amount of nitrogenous waste is coupled with animals energy budget (higher energy budget=eating more which leads to more nitrogenous waste). Diet also plays role

Endothermic bc exothermic

Variations on a tubular theme

Excretory systems regulate solute movement btw internal fluids and the external environment

Central to homeostasis

Excretory process

Most systems produce urine, a refined filtrate derived from fluids (blood)

4 steps:

Filtration: nonspecific as to what is coming out

Reabsorption: reclaiming valuable solutes

Secretion: adding nonessential solutes and waste (toxins/drugs) to filtrate

Excretion: processed filtrate (including nitrogenous waste) is released from body

Other systems

Still based on tubules network


Metanphridia: drawing fluid in from a segment into yellow tubule network with capillary network controlling what goes in and out (worms have one in each segment)

Malpighian tubules: dead end tubes lined with transport epithelia into digestive tract


Excretory organs

Back (Definition)


Function in excretion and osmoregulation

Numerous tubules highly organized

Excretory system Includes ducts and other structures that carry urine from the tubules out of the kidney and out of the body

Excretory organs

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Kidney structure


Nephron types


Nephron organization


During nephron process filter how much water?

180 L of fluid, recover 99%