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42 Cards in this Set

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All organisms must exchange substances with its environment

Ultimately occurs at the cellular level (crossing plasma membrane)

Unicellular organisms, it’s easy. Think of flat worm whose cells are all exposed to environment

Multicellular organisms and gas exchange

Gills: exchange system in animals (O2 diffuses from water into blood vessels and CO2 diffuses into the water)

Internal transport and gas exchange are functionally related in most animals


Small molecules can move btw cells and their surroundings

Only efficient over small distances bc the it takes time to diffuse is equal to square area of distance (ie: takes 1sec of glucose to diffuse 100 microm, it takes 100 seconds to diffuse 1 mm, 3 hours to diffuse 1 cm)

2 body plan options for gas exchange

1. Cells exchange directly (thin flat worms or thin animals)


2. Cells exchange materials with the environment via fluid-filled circulatory system (all animals)

Gastrovascular cavities

In animals that lack circular system

Functions in both digestion and distribution of substances throughout the body

Body wall of cavity is only 2 cells thick

Circulatory systems


Circulatory fluid, a set of interconnected vessels, a muscular pump, the heart

Connects fluid that surrounds cells with the organs that exchange gases, absorb nutrients, and dispose of waste

Can be open or closed

Open circulatory system

Contain hemolymph (combo fluid of blood and interstitial)

Bathes organs directly

Insects, Arthropods, moluscs

Closed circulatory system

Blood confined to vessels and is distinct from interstitial fluid

Vertebrates, cephalopods, annelids

Adaptive and evolution pros/cons

Closed is more costly to maintain so higher metabolic demand but higher pressure inside so it’s more effective

Open good for hard outer covering animals to help maintain pressure. Lower pressure is less costly to maintain. Some insects can use that pressure from the system to move their body (spiders and legs)

Cardiovascular system

Humans and other vertebrates have closed systems

Blood flows in one direction in vessels

3 main types of blood vessels

1. Arteries: away from heart, biggest and branch into arterioles, beach into capillaries

2. Veins: capillaries merge to venule, then merge to veins, towards heart

3. Capillaries: infiltrate all tissue

Branches from biggest to small so they reach all cells in the body

Capillary beds

Sites of chemical exchange btw blood and interstitial fluid

Portal vein

Carry blood btw capillary beds

ie: hepatic portal vein (liver): carries blood from capillary beds in small intestine, stops and in liver.

Heart chambers

Vertebrates contain 2 or more chambers

Blood enters through the atria and is then pumped out through ventricles

Single circulation

Blood leaving the heart passes through 2 capillary beds before returning

2 chambered heart with 1 Pump through artery, 2 cap beds, then returns through vein.

Low pressure system, moving through water helps pump blood, needs less energy

Bony fishes, rats, and sharks

Double circulation

2 pumps, 4-chambered heart

Oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich blood are pumped separately from the right and left sides of heart

Helps to reestablish pressure, maintains pressure in systemic circuit

Amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds

Systemic circuit

Oxygen-rich blood delivers oxygen through this

Differences in amphibians

Not fully divided in heart so they can shut off blood to the lungs when not using lungs

Also have pulmocutaneous circuit where they can get oxygen from their lungs and skin

Evolution variation

Intermittent breathers: long periods without gas exchange or gas exchange from another tissue (skin)

Amphibians: 3 chambered 2 atria 1 ventricle

Most reptiles have 3 chambered with partially divided incomplete septum

Mammals circulatory system

4 chambered heart, 2 atria, 2 ventricles

Mammals and birds are endotherms and require O2 than ectotherms (convergent evolution-developed 4 chamber heart but different ancestors)


Right ventricle sends blue blood to capillary beds in lungs via pulmonary arteries

In lungs, loads O2 and unloads CO2 and continues on pulmonary artery

Now red blood, enters heart through left atrium, then left ventricle which pumps it out through the aorta to the body tissues (capillary beds)

Coronary arteries get blood from aorta first

Blood returns to heart the through superior (top) or inferior (bottom) vena cava

Goes into right atrium and then right ventricle to start again pumping about 5 L of blood/min at 72 beats/min


Size of clenched fists made of cardiac muscle

2 atria have thin walls and serve as collection chambers for blood returning to the heart

Ventricles have thick walls so they can contract

Cardiac cycles

Contract and relax in rhythmic cycle

Cells will continue to contract in a dish

Systole: contraction/ pumping

Diastole: relaxation/filling

Cardia cycle

1. Atrial and ventricular diastole (.4 sec)

2. Atrial systole and ventricular diastole (.1 sec) allows to squeeze all blood out

3. Ventricular systole and atrial diastole (.3)

Heart rate

Number of beats per minute

Typical resting is about 72 beats/min

Stroke volume

Amount of blood pumped into a single contraction

About 70mL

Cardiac output

Volume of blood pumped into the systemic circulation per minute

Depends on both the heart rate and stoke volume (5L of blood/min)

This can change depending on temperature (1 C can increase 10 beats/min)

Excessive can increase rate

4 one-way valves

Prevent blood going back.

Atrioventricular valves (AV) also know as tricuspid and mitral) atrium and ventricul

Semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonic) control blood flow to aorta and pulmonary artery

Lub dub sound

Lub: AV valves close and blood hits against it

Dub: semilunar valves closing

Heart murmur

Backflow of blood through a defective valve


Contract without any signal from nervous system

Take out of dish and it contracts on own

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)

Recorded impulses that travel to skin from the cardiac cycle

Sinoatrial Node (SA)


Sets rate and timing at which cardiac muscle cells contract

Located in wall of right atrium

Intercollated disc in cardiac cells have gap junctions that allow for electrical spread

First step is EKG

Signal from SA node spread through atria

Atrial systole

2nd step of EKG

Signals are delayed at atriovebtricular node

.1 second delay

This makes sure all blood is out of atrium

3rd step of EKG

AV node travel to purkinje fiber (specialized muscle fiber) to apex of heart

4th step of EKG

Signal starts squeezing from bottom of ventricles and moves up to squeeze blood up and out

Ventricular systole

Regulation of pacemaker

Nervous system: sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest)

Sympathetic speeds up pacemaker

Para slows down pacemaker

Also regulates by hormones and temp (fever: heart rate increases 10 beats, per min per degree C)

Histology of heart: wall has 3 layers

1. Endocardium (inner layer), epithelial, smooth

2. Myocardium: middle layer

3. Epicardium: external layer, loose connective tissue, fibers, adipose to cushion heart

Pericardium: save filled with fluid prevents friction

Cell layers of heart


Endocardium: smooth epithelial


Purkinje fiber: special fibers still cardiac tissue but different

2 types of organic precursors from food needed

Organic carbon and nitrogen

Serves as rates materials for the synthesis

4 Clases of essential nutrients

Amino acids

Fatty acids

