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104 Cards in this Set

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Large complex molecules with emergent properties that arise from the orderly arrangement of their atoms

4 classes:




Nucleic acids


A long molecule consisting of many similar building blocks linked by covalent bonds

Carbs proteins and nucleic acids


Repeating units that serve as building blocks for polymers

Smaller molecules

Some have functions on their own

Dehydration reaction

Occurs when 2 monomers form a covalent bond through the loss of a water molecule

Dehydration synthesis requires energy. An energy-investing process


Polymers dissembled to monomers

Reverse of dehydration reaction

Adding water molecules

Energy releasing process

Ie: Process of digestion


Specialized macromolecules

Speed up chemical reactions such as those that make or break down polymers

Diversity of polymers

Cell has thousands of different macromolecules

Macromolecules vary among cells of an organism, vary within a species, and vary even more btw species

Huge variety of polymers can be built from a small set of monomers


Sugars and the polymers of sugars

Simplest carbs are monosaccharides (simple sugars)

Carb macromolecule are polysaccharides (polymers composed of many sugar bldg blocks)



Have molecular formulas that are usually multiples of CH2O

Location of carbonyl group makes it either (aldose or ketose)

Can tell by number of carbon (3-7 carbons long)



Have molecular formulas that are usually multiples of CH2O

Location of carbonyl group (aldose or ketose)

Can tell by number of carbon


Formed when 2 monosaccharides join when a dehydration reaction happens

(Glycosidic linkage)

Glucosidic linkage

Covalent bond formed btw 2 monosaccharides by a dehydration reaction


Polymers of sugars with a few hundred to a few thousand monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkages

Jobs includes storage and structural (holding things together )


A storage polysaccharide of plants (synthesizing starch allows plants to store glucose)

Using hydrolysis, the plant can access this stored energy (breaks down the glucose monomers)

Consists of glucose monomers

Simplest form: amylose


Somewhat branched

Makes a 1-4 (number 1 carbon to number 4 carbon) linkage and a 1-6 linkage


Plants store starch as these within chloroplasts and other plastids


Storage of polysaccharide in animals

Like amylopectin but more branched (allows for more free ends to be available for hydrolysis)

Stored in liver and muscles. We store about one day supply

Put in places that have high energy needs so it is easily accessible to break down and get more ATP. Done by hydrolysis


Structural polysaccharide

Major component of plant cell walls

1-4 linkages

Differ from starch in that they are in the b configuration or upside down (alcohol grp for starch is in a or at the top)

Storage polysaccharides



Structural polysaccharides



Differences in starch vs cellulose

Differ from starch in that they are in the b configuration or upside down (hydroxyl grp for starch is in a or at the top)

Differ glycosidic linkages gives distinct 3 dimensional shapes (starch is helical, cellulose is straight)


Parallel cellulose molecules held together, not branched, free to bond with other hydroxyls


Allow for hydrogen bonds

Digestion of cellulose

Enzymes that digest a linkages are unable to digest b linkages (due to different shapes of the molecules)

Most animals including humans cannot digest cellulose but some have microbes in gut that do it for them

Cellulose passes through the digestive tract and stimulates the lining to secrete mucus which aids in smooth passage (insolvable fiber)

Helical (starch)

Back (Definition)


Found in exoskeleton of arthropods

Provide support for cell walls of fungi


Speed up chemical reactions



Unbranched polymers built from same set of 20 amino acids

Amino acids

Organic molecules with amino and carboxyl groups

Differ in their properties due to differing side chains (r groups)

R group

Side chains that create difference in properties of amino acids

20 amino acids of proteins

Grouped according to R group

9 are hydrophobic and nonpolar

6 are hydrophilic and polar

2 are acidic, hydrophilic, negative charge

3 are basic positive charge

9 of 20 amino acids (yellow)

Nonpolar, hydrophobic


Hormonal proteins

Coordination of an organisms activities

Insulin, a hormone, causes other tissues to take up glucose

Receptor proteins

Response of cell to chemical stimuli

Receptors built into the membrane of a nerve cell detect molecules

Contractile/motor proteins


Actin and myosin proteins are responsible for muscles contracting

A polymer of amino acids that range in length

A polypeptide

The chain can range from a few to 1,000 monomers

Starts with C-terminus and ends with n-terminus

Polypeptide chain

Starts with C-terminus ( carboxyl) and ends with n terminus (amino)

Backbones Linked by peptide bond

Amino acids

Organic molecules with amino and carboxyl groups

Differ in their properties due to differing side chains (r groups)

Protein structure

Proteins activities are a result of their 3 dimensional architecture

They consist of one or more polypeptides precisely folded, twisted, and coiled into a unique shape

20 amino acids of proteins

Grouped according to R group

9 are hydrophobic and nonpolar

6 are hydrophilic and polar

2 are acidic, hydrophilic, negative charge

3 are basic positive charge

9 of 20 amino acids (yellow)

Nonpolar, hydrophobic


6/20 amino acids (green)

Polar, hydrophilic

Lots of oxygen, wants to tact with water

2/20 and 3/20 amino acids (pink and blue)

2 Acidic, negative charge, carboxyl

3 basic positive charge, amino groups=base

2 types of secondary structure

Hydrogen bonds determine which way the coils will fold

Alpha helix

Beta pleated sheet

Partial positive and partial negative allow for hydrogen binding and location fo atom

Tertiary structure

Shape of polypeptide, results from interactions btw R groups ( not backbone)

Include hydrogen And ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and van der waals

Disulfide bridges

Some proteins stop here

Disulfide bridges

Strong covalent bonds that reinforce protein structure in tertiary level

Quaternary structure

When 2 or more polypeptide chains form one macromolecule

Collagen and hemoglobin

Hood and the sleeves added to the sweater vest

Collagen and hemoglobin

Quaternary structures

Collagen has 3 polypeptides coiled like a rope

Hemo has 4 polys: 2 alpha and 2 beta

Enzymatic function

Acceleration of chemical reactions

(Hydrolysis and digestion)

Primary structure

Sequence of amino acids determined by inherited genetic info

The yarn of the sweater made of a bunch of fibers that come together in a long linear molecule

Storage proteins

Storage of amino acids

(Breast milk has casein, plants have storage proteins in seeds, egg white has ovalbumin)

2 types of secondary structure

Hydrogen bonds determine which way the coils will fold

Alpha helix

Beta pleated sheet

Partial positive and partial negative allow for hydrogen binding and location fo atom

Tertiary structure

Shape of polypeptide, results from interactions btw R groups ( not backbone)

Include hydrogen And ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and van der waals

Disulfide bridges

Some proteins stop here

Receptor proteins

Response of cell to chemical stimuli

Receptors built into the membrane of a nerve cell detect molecules

Quaternary structure

When 2 or more polypeptide chains form one macromolecule

Collagen and hemoglobin

Hood and the sleeves added to the sweater vest

Collagen and hemoglobin

Quaternary structures

Collagen has 3 polypeptides coiled like a rope

Hemo has 4 polys: 2 alpha and 2 beta

Sickle cell disease

A change in primary structure

One amino acid is replaced by valine which changes the structure of the protein making it difficult to travel through blood stream


Loss of protein structure, unfolding

Becomes biologically inactive

Due to alterations in the environment (pH, salt concentration, temp, etc)


Can’t always do it and usually the protein is left in functional.

Can take a lot of effort and is not always possible

Folding of protein

Hard to predict a proteins structure from it’s primary structure

Several stages before stable and may have “help” along the way (isolate folding protein from environment)

Misfolding leads to Alzheimer’s, mad cow disease, and other neurodegenerative disorders

Methods to determine protein structure

X-ray crystallography

Nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr). Does not require protein crystallization

Bioinformatics-from amino acid sequences


Made of DNA

Amino acid sequence of a polypeptide programmed by a unit of inheritance

Nucleotide polymers

Linked together to build a polynucleotide

Adjacent nucleotides are joined by a phosphodiester linkage

Create backbone of sugar-phosphate units and nitrogenous bases

Sequence of bases is unique for each gene

Phosphodiester linkage

Phosphate groups that link the sugars of 2 nucleotides


Nitorgenouses bases that are bonded to the backbone of sugar-phosphate units

Along the appendages as you go down are unique for each gene

Families of nitrogenous bases




C, U, T ( cut the py)

Have a single 6-membered ring

Cytosine, Thymine (only found in DNA), Uracil (only found in RNA)


A, G

Have a 6 membered ring fused to a five membered ring

Adenine, guanine

Complementary base pairing

Only certain bases in DNA pair to form hydrogen bonds:

Adenine A=thymine T

Guanine G=cytosine C

The pairing is always a pyrimine and a purimine

Nucleic acid


Made of monomers called nucleotides

Two types of nucleic acid



Deoxyribonucleic acid

Provides directions for its own replication

Directs synthesis of messenger mRNA controlling protein synthesis

Gene expression

Turning DNA instruction manual through RNA into a protein


Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides


Nitrogenous base + sugar



Nucleoside + phosphate group

Consist of nitrogenous base, pentode sugar, 1 or more phosphate groups

DNA sugar


Sugar RNA



Made of DNA

Amino acid sequence of a polypeptide programmed by a unit of inheritance

Nucleotide polymers

Linked together to build a polynucleotide

Adjacent nucleotides are joined by a phosphodiester linkage

Create backbone of sugar-phosphate units and nitrogenous bases

Sequence of bases is unique for each gene

Phosphodiester linkage

Phosphate groups that link the sugars of 2 nucleotides


Nitorgenouses bases that are bonded to the backbone of sugar-phosphate units

Along the appendages as you go down are unique for each gene

Families of nitrogenous bases




C, U, T ( cut the py)

Have a single 6-membered ring

Cytosine, Thymine (only found in DNA), Uracil (only found in RNA)


A, G

Have a 6 membered ring fused to a five membered ring

Adenine, guanine



Nucleoside + phosphate group

Consist of nitrogenous base, pentode sugar, 1 or more phosphate groups

DNA sugar


Sugar RNA


Nucleotide polymers

Linked together to build a polynucleotide

Adjacent nucleotides are joined by a phosphodiester linkage

Create backbone of sugar-phosphate units and nitrogenous bases

Sequence of bases is unique for each gene

Gene expression

Turning DNA instruction manual through RNA into a protein


Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides


Nitrogenous base + sugar



Nucleoside + phosphate group

Consist of nitrogenous base, pentode sugar, 1 or more phosphate groups


A, G

Have a 6 membered ring fused to a five membered ring

Adenine, guanine

Complementary base pairing

Only certain bases in DNA pair to form hydrogen bonds:

Adenine A=thymine T (uracil replaces T if RNA)

Guanine G=cytosine C

The pairing is always a pyrimidines and a purines

What makes DNA able to replicate itself?

Complementary base pairing

Also used to make RNA molecule to take message to protein

Double helix

DNA molecules have 2 polynucleotides spiraling around an imaginary access

Held together by hydrogen bonds

Genetic material is not in the center


Backbones of DNA in opposite 5 to 3 directions from each other

One DNA molecules contains...

Many genes! On long polymer contains many genes


Single strand

Complementary pairing can occur by folding over itself creating different shapes (allows for transfer RNA)

Gene expression

Flow of genetic info: DNA to RNA to protein

Genomics and proteomics

DNA sequencing (decoding) started in the 1970s

Human genome project


Computer software and other tools to deal with the data resulting from sequencing many genomes


Analyzing large sets of genes or even comparing whole genomes of different species


A similar analysis of large sets of proteins including their sequences