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167 Cards in this Set

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How are cells the fundamental unit of life?

All organisms are made of cells

Simplest collection of matter that can be alive

Cells can differ substantially from one another, yet share common features robert

Robert Hooke

1666-first recorded microscope of fruiting bodies of mold

Antoine van Leeuwenhoek

1676- first person to record a Protozoa and bacteria

He called them animalcules

“Father of Bacteriology and protozoology”


Light microscope (LM)

Visible light is passed through a specimen and then through glass lens

Lens refract(bend) light so image is magnified

The only one to allow observation of living things light microscope

3 important parameters of microscopy





The ratio of an objects image to its real size (1,000x LM)


The measure of the clarity of the image or

Minimum distance of two distinguishable points (200 nm LM)


Visible difference in brightness between parts of a sample (improves by staining or labeling cell parts)

Light microscopes

Can magnify to 1,000 times the actual size of the specimen

Various staining techniques enhance contrast

Allow to see living things


2 rays of light are diffracted, direct and reflected

Light in phase to black out of phase

Internal structures sharply defined

Differential interference

Similar to phase contrast uses prisms split light beam adding contrast color 3 D

Recent advances

Labeling cells with fluorescent markers

Confocal and deconvolution: provide sharper images of 3 dimensional tissues and cells

Super resolution

2 types of Electron microscopes (EM)

Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs)

Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs)

Scanning electron microscopes ( SEMs)

Focus a beam of electrons onto the surface of a specimen covered with a thin layer of gold

Provides 3D image

Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs)

Focus a beam of electrons through a specimen

Used mainly to study the internal structure of cells (heavy metals)

Comparison of microscopes

Three types: LM, TEM, SEM

Cell fractionation

Breaks cells apart and separated major organelles from one another by size

Centrifuge (spins) leaves a pellet of cellular debris starting with nucleus.

Can keep repeating this to get more separation to study organelles

Different fractions will give you different organelles

2 types of cells




Only organism: bacteria and archaea

No nucleus

No membranebound organelles

DNA in unbound region called nucleoid (circular in shape)


Protists, fungi, animals, and plants

DNA in nucleus bound by double membrane

Membrane bound organelles

Cytoplasm in region btw nucleus and plasma membrane

Larger than prokaryotic cells

Basic features of all cells:

Plasma membrane-selective barrier

Cytosol-semifluid substance

Chromosomes-carry genes in DNA

Ribosomes-make proteins based on instructions in genes

Plasma membrane

Selective barrier that allows sufficient passage of oxygen, nutrients, and waste to service the volume of every cell

For each micrometer of membrane, only a limited number of a substance can cross at a time so ratio of volume to surface area

Metabolic requirements set upper limits on size of cells

Surface area (SA) to volume (V) ratio are critical

As a cell increases in size, its V increases faster than SA

High SA is associated with high transport rates across the plasma membrane

The need for a surface that can accommodate a lrg V is why cells are small (larger organisms do not have bigger cells, just more of them)


5 (micrometers)

Contains most of the DNA (some is in the chloroplasts and mitochondria)

Contained by a nuclear enevelope

Nuclear membrane is a double membrane

Nuclear side of envelop is lined by nuclear lamina

Pores regulate entry

Nuclear envelope

Enclosed the nucleus

Separates it from the cytoplasm

Is double membrane created by lipid bilateral

Perforated by pore structures

Nuclear membrane (double membrane)

Consist of a lipid bilayer

Nuclear lamina

Composed of network of protein filaments

Maintains shape of nucleus by mechanically supporting the the nuclear envelope

Pore complex

Regulate entry and exit of molecules from the nucleus (proteins, RNA, large complex macromolecules)

Inside the nucleus

DNA is organized into chromosomes

Contains chromatin

Nucleus directs DNA to rewrite genetic information as mRNA (transcription)


DNA and proteins of chromosomes in nucleus

Condensed (coil) to form discrete chromosomes as cells divide

Chromosomes in nucleus

Each chromosome is composed of a single DNA molecule associated with proteins

Human cell has 46 chromosomes, 23 sex chromosomes


Located within nucleus

Site of ribosomal RNA synthesis and assembly of the ribosomal subunits

Nuclear pores

Nuclear exit for ribosomal subunits with protein, mRNA

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

In nucleolus

Synthesized and assembled with proteins from the cytoplasm

Forms large and small ribosomal subunits

Use info from DNA to make proteins via mRNA intermediate

Endomembrane system

Nuclear envelope, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Vesicles, Vacuoles, Plasma membrane

Carries out various task (protein synthesis, transport, metabolism and movement of lipids, and detoxification)


Components are either continuous or connected via transfer ( sacs made of membrane)

Endoplasmic reticulum (factory)

Accounts for more than half of the total membrane in many eukaryotic cells

The ER membrane is continuous with the nuclear envelope and has 2 distinct regions: smooth ER and rough ER

Smooth ER

Lacks ribosomes

Synthesizes lipids, pops, phospholipids, and steroids (sex hormones and adrenal)

Metabolizes carbs

Detoxifies drugs and poisons (smooth ER in liver cells). Increase in smooth ER creates tolerance

Stores calcium ions (muscle contraction, nerve impulse, calcium triggers protein secretion)

Rough ER

Surface is studded with ribosomes

Rough ER

Bound ribosomes

Secrete glycoproteins

Distributed transport vesicles

Cellular membrane factory


A semi fluid, jellylike substance in which sub cellular components are suspended


Membraneous sac of hydrolysis enzymes that many eukaryotic cells use to digest macromolecules

Work best in acidic environments

Carry out intracellular digestion


Engulfing smaller organisms or food particles

The food vacuole formed by this then fuses with lysosome whose enzymes digest the food


Lysosomes help the to continually renew itself

Hydrolysis enzymes to recycle the cells own organic material

Damaged organelle or small amt of cytosol surrounded by membrane-lysosome fuses with it, dismantles membrane and material is released to the cytosol for reuse


Large vesicles from ER and GA.

Transport solutes. Solution inside a vacuole differs from compositions outside of it

Food vacuoles

Formed by phagocytosis

Contractile vacuoles

In fresh water eukaryotes

Pump excess water out of cell

Maintain a suitable concentrations of ions and molecules inside the cell

Central vacuole

Develops by the joining together of smaller vacuoles

Contains cell sap

Absorbs water allowing growth of cell


Site of cellular respiration

Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells

Cells that move or contract have more mitochondria per volume

Cellular respiration

Process that uses oxygen to drive the generation of ATP by extracting energy from sugars, fats, and fuels


In plants and algae

Sites of photosynthesis

Converts solar energy to chemical energy


In eukaryotic cells: the region btw the nucleus and plasma membranes

Endosymbiont theory

Ancestor of eukaryotic cell engulfed a oxygen-using, nonphotsynthetic prokaryotic cell

Eventually formed with its host cell becoming endosymbiont (a cell living within another cell)

Merged into a single organism-a eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion

Mitochondria vs chloroplasts

1. Both have 2 membranes

2. Both contain ribosomes and DNA molecules

3. Autonomous organelles, grow and reproduce within cell

Mitochondrion membranes


Phospholipid bilayer with collection of proteins embedded

Inner is smooth but outer is convoluted called cristae


Complexes made up of ribosomal RNAs and proteins

Carry out protein synthesis

Not membrane bound, therefore are not organelles

Build proteins in 2 cytoplasmic locals

Free ribosomes

Suspended in cytosol

Most proteins made in free ribosomes function within the the cytosol

iE: enzymes that catalyze the first steps of sugar breakdown

Bound ribosomes

Attached to the outside of the endoplasmic reticulum or nuclear envelope

Make proteins that are destined for insertion in membranes for packaging or for export

ie: cells in pancreas that secrete digestive enzymes


Secretory proteins with carbs bonded to them

Transport vesicles

Vesicles in transit from one part of the cell to another

Secretory proteins depart from the ER wrapped and spectated from cytosol

Golgi apparatus

After leaving ER, many transport vesicles travel to here

Warehouse for receiving, sorting, shipping

Proteins are modified and stored and sent to other destinations

2 sides of golgi stack

Cis face: receiving. Usually located near ER and fusing with golgi membrane

Trans face: shipping. Vesicles arhat pinch off

Cisternal maturation model

Cisternae of the golgi progress forward from cis to trans face, carrying and modifying their cargo


A semi fluid, jellylike substance in which sub cellular components are suspended


Membraneous sac of hydrolysis enzymes that many eukaryotic cells use to digest macromolecules

Work best in acidic environments

Carry out intracellular digestion


Engulfing smaller organisms or food particles

The food vacuole formed by this then fuses with lysosome whose enzymes digest the food


Lysosomes help the to continually renew itself

Hydrolysis enzymes to recycle the cells own organic material

Damaged organelle or small amt of cytosol surrounded by membrane-lysosome fuses with it, dismantles membrane and material is released to the cytosol for reuse


Large vesicles from ER and GA.

Transport solutes. Solution inside a vacuole differs from compositions outside of it

Food vacuoles

Formed by phagocytosis

Contractile vacuoles

In fresh water eukaryotes

Pump excess water out of cell

Maintain a suitable concentrations of ions and molecules inside the cell

Golgi apparatus

After leaving ER, many transport vesicles travel to here

Warehouse for receiving, sorting, shipping

Proteins are modified and stored and sent to other destinations

2 sides of golgi stack

Cis face: receiving. Usually located near ER and fusing with golgi membrane

Trans face: shipping. Vesicles arhat pinch off

Cellular respiration

Process that uses oxygen to drive the generation of ATP by extracting energy from sugars, fats, and fuels


In plants and algae

Sites of photosynthesis

Converts solar energy to chemical energy


Engulfing smaller organisms or food particles

The food vacuole formed by this then fuses with lysosome whose enzymes digest the food

Endosymbiont theory

Ancestor of eukaryotic cell engulfed a oxygen-using, nonphotsynthetic prokaryotic cell

Eventually formed with its host cell becoming endosymbiont (a cell living within another cell)

Merged into a single organism-a eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion

Mitochondria vs chloroplasts

1. Both have 2 membranes

2. Both contain ribosomes and DNA molecules

3. Autonomous organelles, grow and reproduce within cell

Mitochondrion membranes


Phospholipid bilayer with collection of proteins embedded

Inner is smooth but outer is convoluted called cristae


Complexes made up of ribosomal RNAs and proteins

Carry out protein synthesis

Not membrane bound, therefore are not organelles

Build proteins in 2 cytoplasmic locals

Free ribosomes

Suspended in cytosol

Most proteins made in free ribosomes function within the the cytosol

iE: enzymes that catalyze the first steps of sugar breakdown


Site of cellular respiration

Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells

Cells that move or contract have more mitochondria per volume


Secretory proteins with carbs bonded to them

Transport vesicles

Vesicles in transit from one part of the cell to another

Secretory proteins depart from the ER wrapped and spectated from cytosol

Endosymbiont theory

Ancestor of eukaryotic cell engulfed a oxygen-using, nonphotsynthetic prokaryotic cell

Eventually formed with its host cell becoming endosymbiont (a cell living within another cell)

Merged into a single organism-a eukaryotic cell with mitochondrion

2 sides of golgi stack

Cis face: receiving. Usually located near ER and fusing with golgi membrane

Trans face: shipping. Vesicles arhat pinch off

Mitochondrion membranes

2 membranes

Phospholipid bilayer with collection of proteins embedded

Inner is smooth but outer is convoluted called cristae

Two parts of inner membrane of mitochondrion

First: inter membrane space, narrow region btw inner and out membranes

Second: mitochondrial matrix


Specialized metabolic compartment bounded by a single membrane

Contain enzymes that remove hydrogen atoms from various substrates and transfer them to O2 making hydrogen peroxide

Functions of peroxisomes

-Use oxygen to break down fatty acids to smaller molecules for transport to mitochondria for cell respiration

-detoxify alcohol and other harmful compounds by transferring H to O


Specialized peroxisomes

Found in fat-storing tissues of plant seeds

Contain enzymes that convert fatty acids to sugar for seedlings to use until they produce their own


Network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm

3 types of molecular structure:

1. Microtubles

2. Microfilaments

3. Intermediate filaments

Support and motility of cytoskeleton

Give mechanical support to cell and maintain shape

Helps fix positions of organelles and enzymes

Can be quickly dismantled in one part of cell and reassembled to change cell shape

Cell motility

Changes in cell location and movements of cell parts

Requires interaction of the cytoskeleton with motor proteins

ie: this is how vesicles containing NTs migrate along the axon

Mitochondrial matrix

Enclosed by inner membrane

Contains different enzymes as well as DNA and ribosomes

These enzymes catalyze cellular respiration-have large surface area due to folds of cristae-increases productivity of cellular respiration


Contains Green pigment chlorophyll, enzymes, and other molecules

Separated from cytosol by 2 membranes


Flattened interconnected sacs

Membranous system


Stacked thylakoids ( looks like poker chips)


Fluid outside the thylakoids

Contains DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes

Membranes of chloroplasts: 3 compartments

1. Inter membrane space

2. Stroma space

3. Thlakoid space


Plant organelles

2 types: amyloplast and chromoplast



Colorless organelle that stores starch (amylose)



Has pigments that give fruits and flowerss their yellow orange hues

Two parts of inner membrane of mitochondrion

First: inter membrane space, narrow region btw inner and out membranes

Second: mitochondrial matrix


Specialized metabolic compartment bounded by a single membrane

Contain enzymes that remove hydrogen atoms from various substrates and transfer them to O2 making hydrogen peroxide

Functions of peroxisomes

-Use oxygen to break down fatty acids to smaller molecules for transport to mitochondria for cell respiration

-detoxify alcohol and other harmful compounds by transferring H to O


Specialized peroxisomes

Found in fat-storing tissues of plant seeds

Contain enzymes that convert fatty acids to sugar for seedlings to use until they produce their own


Network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm

3 types of molecular structure:

1. Microtubles

2. Microfilaments

3. Intermediate filaments

Support and motility of cytoskeleton

Give mechanical support to cell and maintain shape

Helps fix positions of organelles and enzymes

Can be quickly dismantled in one part of cell and reassembled to change cell shape

Membranes of chloroplasts: 3 compartments

1. Inter membrane space

2. Stroma space

3. Thlakoid space

Mitochondrial matrix

Enclosed by inner membrane

Contains different enzymes as well as DNA and ribosomes

These enzymes catalyze cellular respiration-have large surface area due to folds of cristae-increases productivity of cellular respiration


Contains Green pigment chlorophyll, enzymes, and other molecules

Separated from cytosol by 2 membranes


Flattened interconnected sacs

Membranous system


Stacked thylakoids ( looks like poker chips)


Fluid outside the thylakoids

Contains DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes

Membranes of chloroplasts: 3 compartments

1. Inter membrane space

2. Stroma space

3. Thlakoid space


Plant organelles

2 types: amyloplast and chromoplast



Colorless organelle that stores starch (amylose)

Cell motility

Changes in cell location and movements of cell parts

Requires interaction of the cytoskeleton with motor proteins

ie: this is how vesicles containing NTs migrate along the axon


Thickest of the 3

Hollowed rods constructed from tubulins

Grow in length by adding tubulins and can be dissembled to build elsewhere in the cell

Plus end can add tubulins at a much higher rate than the other end


large motor proteins that help with bending of cilia and flagella

Attached to outer microtubule doublet

Has 2 feet that walk along the microtubule using ATP for energy

Microfilaments (actin filaments)

Thinnest of 3, solid rods

Built from molecules of actin

Helps support cells shape which gives cortex a more solid like gel rather than liquid

Role in cell motility


Outer cytoplasmic layer of cell


Made up of 1,000s of actin filaments and thicker filaments made of proteins

Cause contractions of muscle cells


Cell crawls along surface by extending cellular extensions

Brought by actin and myosin


Microtubule containing extensions on a cell

Usually cover cells surface

Move like oars

Act as antennas receiving signals for the cell

Crucial to brain function and embryonic development


Microtubule containing extension

Usually one per cell

Moves like a fish tail

Tubulin Dimer

A molecule made up of 2 components

Make up a tubulin protein

Consist of 2 slightly different polypeptides-alpha and beta

Shapes and supports the cell, while also serving as a track along organelles to move motor proteins


Guide vesicles from ER to Golgi apparatus



Where microtubules grow near the nucleus

Compression resistant girders

Exist a pair of centrioles


In the centrisome

Composed of 9 triplet microtubules in a ring


Microtubule containing extensions on a cell

Usually cover cells surface

Move like oars

Act as antennas receiving signals for the cell

Crucial to brain function and embryonic development


Microtubule containing extension

Usually one per cell

Moves like a fish tail

Common structure of cilia and flagella

Has group of microtubules sheathed in an extension of plasma membrane

9 doublets arranged in a ring 9+2 pattern

Anchored by a basal body

Basal body

Structurally Sinclair to a centriole

Microtubule triplets in a 9+0 pattern

Basal body of Soren enters egg

Cell wall

Distinguishes has Kant cells from animal cells

Support the cell and keep out excessive water

It’s very strong-cellulose

Consist of primary, middle, and secondary

Primary cell wall

Primary cell wall: thin and flexible

Middle lamella: this layer of sticky polysaccharides called pectins (like glue)

Some plant cells secret a hardening substance into its primary wall while others add a secondary wall

Second wall: several layers, strong and durable (wood)

Extracellular matrix (ECM)

Made up of glycoproteins and other carbs


Most abundant glycoprotein in animal cells

Strong fibers outside the cells

Accounts for 40% of protein in human body

Collagen fibers are embedded in a woven network made of proteoglycans


Secreted by cells

P. Molecule consists of small core of proteins with carb chain through covalent bonds

Large P. Complexes can form when hundreds of P. Molecules become noncovantly attached to a single long polysaccharide molecule


Some cells are attached to the ECM by these glycoproteins

Binds to cell surface receptor proteins (integrins)


Receptor proteins on cell surface in plasma membrane

Bind to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton on the cytoplasmic side

Transmit signals as to what is happening inside and outside the cell

Cell wall

Distinguishes has Kant cells from animal cells

Support the cell and keep out excessive water

It’s very strong-cellulose

Consist of primary, middle, and secondary


Anchoring junction

Fastens cells together

Intermediate filaments made of keratin

Attach muscle cells together. When there is a tear, damage to these cells

Gap junctions

Most like plasmodesmata in plants

Communicating junction

Cytoplasmic channels for communication, surround pore through which molecules pass through

Primary cell wall

Primary cell wall: thin and flexible

Middle lamella: this layer of sticky polysaccharides called pectins (like glue)

Some plant cells secret a hardening substance into its primary wall while others add a secondary wall

Second wall: several layers, strong and durable (wood)

Extracellular matrix (ECM)

Made up of glycoproteins and other carbs

Can influence activities of genes in the nucleus and orient cells of an embryo by matching the fibers of ECM


Most abundant glycoprotein in animal cells

Strong fibers outside the cells

Accounts for 40% of protein in human body

Collagen fibers are embedded in a woven network made of proteoglycans


Secreted by cells

P. Molecule consists of small core of proteins with carb chain through covalent bonds

Large P. Complexes can form when hundreds of P. Molecules become noncovantly attached to a single long polysaccharide molecule


Some cells are attached to the ECM by these glycoproteins

Binds to cell surface receptor proteins (integrins)

Cell junctions in animal cells

Especially common in epithelial tissue (lines external and internal surface of body)





In plant cells

Perforate cell walls

Channels that connect cell walls

Cell junctions in animal cells

Especially common in epithelial tissue (lines external and internal surface of body)




Tight junction

Plasma membranes of neighboring cells are tightly pressed together bound by specific proteins

Prevents leakage

What is only in eukaryotic cells?


Which molecules are more likely to diffuse across the membrane?

Hydrocarbons like CO2 and O2

What is least likely to diffuse across the membrane?

A large polar molecule

If the internal solute in a plant cell is .8 M, what would it need to be outside the cell in order to produce plasmolysis?

A higher molar solution

Chromosome are always present in a cell?

Yes, they may become more compact but are always present

Synthesizes molecules in cells..

Ribosomes, rough ER and smooth ER

All membrane proteins of the endomembrane systems are made in

The rough ER

Of five membranes, which is likely to be different?

The mitochondrial outer membrane

Not part of the endomembrane system

Must synthesize their own proteins

Chloroplasts and mitochondria..

Synthesize their own proteins bc they have DNA and ribosomes

Microtubules guide vesicles from...

The ER to the Golgi to the the plasma membrane

What is found in animal cells but not in plant cells?


Cilia and flagella move due to the interaction of the cytoskeleton and

Motor proteins such as dynein


Cell wall contains numerous channels with strands of cytoplasm passing through them

Connecting one cells cytoplasm to that of an adjacent cell