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45 Cards in this Set

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Sensory process begins with a stimuli

Stimuli is forms of energy

A sensory receptors converts stimulus energy into a change in membrane potential

When input to nervous system is received and processed, a motor response is generated

sensory pathways have 4 basic common functions

1. Sensory reception

2. Transduction

3. Transmission

4. Perception

Sensory reception

Detection of stim by sensory receptors on sensory cells

Sensory receptors

Sensory cells are specialized neurons, epithelial cells, or sensory organs (eyes,ears) that interact directly with stim

Interact both inside (blood pressure, body position) and out (heat, light, pressure)

Open or close ion channels

Sensory transduction

Conversion of stimulus energy into a change in the membrane potential of a sensory receptor

Change in membrane potential is receptor potential (graded potentials who magnitude varies pending strength of stim)


Sensory info travels through nervous system as action potentials

Sensory receptors can be neurons or non-neuronal receptors

Non-neuronal receptors involve chemical synapses with afferent neurons

Size of receptor increases with intensity of stim and varies pending neuron vs non-neuronal

Neuron receptor: larger receptor potential results in more frequent action potentials

Non-neuronal receptor: larger receptor potential causes more NTs to be released


Brains construction of stimuli(colors, sound, taste)

Stim from different receptors travel as action potentials along dedicated neural pathways

Brain distinguishes stim from different receptors based on the path by which the action potential arrives as well as area of brain (smell, color, sound)


Strengthening of a sensory signal during transduction

Enzyme catalyzed reactions

Also takes place in accessory structures (like ear 3 small bones enhances pressure assoc. with sound waves more than 20 fold)

Sensory adaptation

Decrease in responsiveness to continued stim

5 types of sensory receptors

1. Mechano

2. Chemo

3. Electromagnetic

4. Thermo

5. Pain


Sense physical deformation caused by forms of mechanical energy such as pressure, touch, stretch, motion, and sound

Consist of ion channels linked to external structures (hair, cilia) and internal (cytoskeleton)

Dendrites of sensory neurons

Bending/stretching of external structures generates tension that alters the permeability of ion channels producing depolarization


Transmit info about total solute concentration of a solution-osmoreceptors

Respond to individual kinds of molecules-glucose, amino acids, oxygen, CO2

When stim molecule binds, becomes more or less permeable to ions

Antenna of male silk worm moth sensitive to pheromones (chemoreceptors)


Detect electromagnetic energy such as light, energy, and magnetism

Many animals use earths magnetic field to orient themselves through iron to migrate


Detect heat and old and help regulate body temp

Snakes have them

Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin and receptors that respond to this open calcium channels and also respond to high temperatures

Variety of thermoreceptors (each specific for a particular temp range which is transient receptor potential TRP)

TRP specific to lower temps respond to menthol

Pain or nociceptors

Reflect harmful conditions like naked dendrites in epidermis which leads to defensive action

Respond to excess heat, pressure, or chemicals released from damaged or inflamed tissues

Chemicals produced in body can enhance perception of pain (prostaglandins lower pain threshold sensitizing pain receptors )

Thin vs thick filaments

Thin: composed of actin

Thick: composed of myosin

Skeletal muscle

Moves bones and body

Characterized by hierarchy of smaller and smaller units

Consist of bundles of long fibers, each fiber (single cell with multiple nuclei) running parallel to the length of muscle

Muscle fiber

Bundle of smaller myofibrils arranged longitudinal

Contain unique arrangements of myofilaments in units (scaromeres)


Myofilaments arranged in units that make up myofibrils which, arranged in bundles, make up muscle fibers

Functional unit of a muscle

Bordered by z lines where thin filaments attach

Skeletal muscle is also called

Striated muscle

Has regular arrangements of myofilaments creates a pattern of light and dark bands

Microfilament move and bring about contraction

Thick myofilments

Only myosin

Each myosin molecule is shaped like a golf club

Straight portion ending in a double globular head or cross bridge

Cross-bridges occur on each side of a sarcomere but not in the middle

Thin myofilaments

Consisting of two intertwining actin filaments

Tropomyosin and Troponin are assoc. regulatory proteins

Sliding-filament model

Thin and thick filaments ratchet past each other longitudinally powered by the myosin molecules

Neither thin not thick change in length when sacromere shortens

Instead slide past each other increasing their overlap

Step 1, 2, 3 of myosin actin sliding

Myosin molecules have head and tail regions. Tails form thick filament and head binds atp

1. Myosin head is bound to ATP. Is in low energy configuration

2. Myosin head hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and Pi, converts to high energy form

3. Head binds to actin forming a cross-bridge with thin filament

Steps 3-5 for myosin actin sliding

4. Myosin a binding slides actin along, returning myosin head to low energy state

This filament moves toward center of sacromere

5. Binding of new molecule of ATP releases myosin head and a new cycle begins

Muscle contraction requires repeated cycles of binding and releasing

In each cycle, myosin head freed from cross bridge cleaves newly bound atp and begins again

Myosin attaches to new binding site on thin filament since it has moved toward center

300 heads of thick filament form and reform about 5 cross-bridges per second moving actin filaments

Glycolysis and aerobic respiration generate ATP

Muscle at rest-only enough atp fit a few contractions

To power repetitive contractions, relies on creatine phosphate and glycogen

Creatine phosphate

Transfer of phosphate group from creatine phosphate to ADP in an enzyme cataloged reaction synthesizes additional ATP

Resting supply of creatine phosphate can sustain contractions for about 15 seconds

Glycogen break down

ATP is restored when glycogen is broken down to glucose by either aerobics respiration or glycolysis

Aerobic respiration can sustain contraction for about one hour

During intense muscle activity, oxygen becomes limiting and ATP is generated instead by lactic acid fermentation (less activity per glucose than glycolysis; sustains about 1 minute)

Troponin complex and tropomyosin

Regulatory proteins that bind to actin when a muscle fiber is at rest

Covers myosin bindings sites and prevents interaction of actin and myosin

Troponin complex is like a mail holding tropomyosin in place

For muscle fiber to contract...

Muscle contraction occurs when Ca concentration is high and stops when Ca concentration is low

Calcium in cytosol binds to Troponin complex causing proteins to shift position, exposing myosin sites

Relaxation occurs when nerve impulses stop And Ca is actively transported into the sacroplasmic reticulum

Stimulus leading to contraction is an action potential in a motor neuron that makes a synapse with a muscle fiber

1. Motor neuron release Ach, which binds to receptors on muscle fiber causing muscle to produce action potential

2. AP travels along T tubules in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), opening Ca channels in SR

3. Ca ions stored in SR flow into cytosol and (4) bind to Troponin complex on actin filaments

5. Binding exposes myosin binding sites and allows cross-bridge (contraction)

6. Motor neuron input stops, muscle cells relax (transport proteins pump Ca back into SR

7. Due to low Ca levels, regulatory proteins bind to thin filaments and shift back to starting position.

Muscle fiber

A muscle cell with typical cellular components

Another pic of muscle fiber


Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

Enzyme that breaks down NT acetylcholine at synapse

Breaks it down into acetic acid and choline which are recycled to make new NT

Stops signal

AChE has one of the fastest reaction rates of any of our enzymes, breaking up each molecule in about 80 microseconds

Botox and tetanus

Botox prevents release of ACh from motor axon terminals, inhibits muscle contraction (reduces overactive bladder, reduces sweat gland production, prevents wrinkles)

Tetanus: inhibits AChE so constant presence of ACh, excessive muscle contraction which can be fatal

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Lou Greg’s disease

Involve neurons responsible for voluntary muscle movement

Degeneration of neurons leads to atrophy of muscles and death

Myasenthia gravis

Autoimmune disease

Attacks acetylcholine receptors on muscle fibers

Treatments exist


A single contraction

Results from a single action potential in a motor neuron

A series of action potentials is necessary to produce more sustained contraction

2 mechanisms by which nervous system produces graded contractions

1. Varying number of fibers that contract

2. Varying rate at which fibers are stimulated

Contraction of a whole muscle is graded, the extent and strength of its contraction can be voluntarily altered

Motor unit

Consist of a single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls

All muscle fibers in unit contract when motor neuron produces action potential

Strength depends how many muscle fibers the motor neuron controls (few to hundreds)

Nervous system can choose large or small unit to contract


Process by which more and more motor neurons are activated

As recruitment proceeds, the force developed by a muscle increases

More rapid delivered action potential produce a graded contraction through summation

Recruitment of multiple motor neurons results in stronger contractions

A single potential will produce a twitch lasting for 100 ms

If second action potential arrive before relaxation, the twitches sum increasing tension

Further summation occurs as the rate of stimulation increases

Muscle tension

Condition which muscles of the body remain semi-contracted for an extended period

Tetanus: muscles cannot relax btw stimuli, creates tension in bones by stretching connective tissues btw bone and muscle