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103 Cards in this Set

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a and alpha

Different sexes of cell

Each type secretes a specific receptor that binds only to receptors on the other cell

They then fuse

Signal transduction pathway

The binding of a mating factor at each cell initiates a series of steps

Ancestral signaling

Likely evolved in prokaryotes and single celled eukaryote

Cell signaling is critical among


Quorum sensing

A concentration of signaling molecules allows bacteria to sense local population density

or: biofilm (aggregation of bacterial cells)

Staphylococcus aureus

When this bacteria enters tissue, it secretes a toxin killing body cells and contributing to inflammation

Interfering with the signaling pathway used in quorum sensing may be an approach as an alternative to tx resistant bacteria

How cells in a multicellular organism communicate

Signaling molecules

In local signaling

Animal cells communicate by direct contact

Cell junctions

Connect directly via cytoplasm of adjacent cells

Paracrine signaling


Secrete messenger molecules that travel short distances

Growth factors stimulate nearby target cells to grow and divide

Growth factors

Nearby compounds that stimulate nearby target cells to grow and divide

Synaptic signaling

Local and Occurs in nervous system

Electrical signal travels the neuron to secrete NTs

Travel across the synapse triggering a response

Local signaling in plants occurs btw


Used in long distance signaling...


Endocrine signaling

Long distance signaling

Travel the circulatory system to their parts of the body

Plant growth regulators

Plant hormones travel in plant vesicles or moving through cells by diffusing through the air

Plant hormone ethylene

A gas that promotes fruit ripening and regulates growth

Hydrocarbon so capable of passing through cell walls

Mammalian hormone insulin

Regulates blood sugar levels in mammals

A protein with a thousand atoms

Transmission is a signal through the nervous system

Electrical signal travels the length of a nerve cell->

Converts to a chemical—>

Signaling molecule is released and crosses the synapse to another nerve cell—>

Converted back to an electrical signal

What happens when a nerve cell encounters a secreted signaling molecule?

The signal must be recognized and bound by a specific receptor molecule which must be changed inside the cell for cell response

3 stages of cell signaling




Earl Sutherland

Discovered how epinephrine still mates the breakdown of the storage polysaccharide glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle cells

Epinephrine effect

Stimulates glycogen breakdown by activating a cytosolic enzyme ( glycogen phosphorylase)

Does not activate directly

Plasma membrane is involved in transmitting the epinephrine signal


Detection after molecule binds to receptor protein


Receptor protein is changed which sets this step in process

Can be a single step but is often a sequence of changes

Relay molecules in pathway


Triggers activity in the cell

ie: rearrangement of cytoskeleton or activation of a semicircular gene in nucleus

Cell signaling process ensures that crucial activities

Occur in the right cells

At the right time

In proper coordination with other cells


A molecule that specifically bonds to another larger molecule

Usually changes shape of receptor protein

Aggregation of other receptor proteins

Most signal receptors are...

Plasma membrane proteins and some are in the cell

Cell surface receptors make up...

30% of human proteins

3 main types of membrane proteins

1. G protein-coupled receptors

2. Receptor tyrosine kinases

3. Ion channel receptors

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)

Cell surface membrane protein that works with help of a G protein

Bind many signal molecules: yeast mating factors, epinephrine, hormones, and NTs

G proteins are...

Largest family of cell-surface receptors

Similar in structure

Bind tonGTP

Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK)

plasma membrane receptors,

a protein kinase (enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of phosphate groups from ATP to another protein)

Process of GPCR (1)

1. G protein receptor is attached and able to move along cytoplasmic side of membrane

Functions like a on/off switch (pending GPD or GPT)

When GDP is bound to G protein, it is inactive

Process of GPCR (2)

Signal molecule binds to extra cellular side of receptor

Receptor is activated and changes shape

It’s cytoplasmic side binds an inactive G protein causing a GTP to replace the GPD and is then activated

Process ion gated (3)

Ligand dissociates from receptor

Channel closes

Important receptor in the nervous system...

Ligand-gated ion channels

NTs cross synapse and bind opening channels

Ions flow in and trigger electrical signals down the axon

Also include voltage-gated ion channels

Voltage-gated ion channels

Respond to electrical signals instead of ligand

Important in nervous system

Which receptor is associated with cancer?

Abnormal functioning of RTK

ie: in breast cancer-tumors may have excessive RTK receptors (called HER2)

A protein developed called Herceptin binds to HER2 and inhibits cell division

Increased survival rates by more than one third

Intercellular receptor proteins

In cytoplasm or nucleus of certain cells

Signal molecules (hydrophobic and very small) passes through cells plasma membranes

Hormones (steroid and thyroid) and gases like nitric oxide

Once enters cell, can turn off/on genes

How does it turn on/off genes

Genes in cells DNA are transcribed and processed into mRNA

mRNA leaves nucleus and is translated by ribosomes to produce specific proteins

Special proteins called transcription factors control genes on/off switch

GPCR process (3)

G protein dissociates from Receptor, diffuses along membrane and binds to enzyme, changing enzymes shape

Once activated, the enzyme triggers a cellular response

GPCR process (4)

Changes in G protein are temporary bc it also functions as a GTPase enzyme

It hydrolyzes its bound GTP to GDP+Pi (this allows for the pathway to shut down rapidly when signaling molecule Ian no longer present)

G-protein leaves enzyme inactive and returns to start for reuse.

RTK process (1)

Exist as individual units called monomers

Each has a extra cellular ligand binding site

an alpha helix spanning the membrane and an intracellular tail containing multiple tyrosine

Process RTKs(2)

Signal molecule binds

2 monomers come together to form a dimer (called dimerization)

Process RTK (3)

Dimerization activates the tyrosine kinase region of each monomer

Each tyrosine kinase adds a phosphate from an ATP molecule to another T. On the other monomer

Process RTK (4)

Receptor is now fully activated

It is recognized by relay proteins in the cell

Relay proteins bind to a phosphorylated tyrosine, changing the relay protein

Triggers a transduction pathway leading to a cell response

Ligand gated ion channel

Membrane channel with region acting as a gate when receptor changes shape

Process of ion channel receptors (1)

Channel remains closed until a ligand binds to the receptor

Process ion channel (2)

Ligand binds and channel opens

Ions flow through and change concentration inside the cell

This affects the activity of the cell

Process of GPCR (2)

Signal molecule binds to extra cellular side of receptor

Receptor is activated and changes shape

It’s cytoplasmic side binds an inactive G protein causing a GTP to replace the GPD and is then activated

GPCR process (3)

G protein dissociates from Receptor, diffuses along membrane and binds to enzyme, changing enzymes shape

Once activated, the enzyme triggers a cellular response

GPCR process (4)

Changes in G protein are temporary bc it also functions as a GTPase enzyme

It hydrolyzes its bound GTP to GDP+Pi (this allows for the pathway to shut down rapidly when signaling molecule Ian no longer present)

G-protein leaves enzyme inactive and returns to start for reuse.

RTK process (1)

Exist as individual units called monomers

Each has a extra cellular ligand binding site

an alpha helix spanning the membrane and an intracellular tail containing multiple tyrosine

Process RTKs(2)

Signal molecule binds

2 monomers come together to form a dimer (called dimerization)

Process RTK (3)

Dimerization activates the tyrosine kinase region of each monomer

Each tyrosine kinase adds a phosphate from an ATP molecule to another T. On the other monomer

Process RTK (4)

Receptor is now fully activated

It is recognized by relay proteins in the cell

Relay proteins bind to a phosphorylated tyrosine, changing the relay protein

Triggers a transduction pathway leading to a cell response

GPCR process (3)

G protein dissociates from Receptor, diffuses along membrane and binds to enzyme, changing enzymes shape

Once activated, the enzyme triggers a cellular response

Process of ion channel receptors (1)

Channel remains closed until a ligand binds to the receptor

Process ion channel (2)

Ligand binds and channel opens

Ions flow through and change concentration inside the cell

This affects the activity of the cell

Process ion gated (3)

Ligand dissociates from receptor

Channel closes

Process RTK (3)

Dimerization activates the tyrosine kinase region of each monomer

Each tyrosine kinase adds a phosphate from an ATP molecule to another T. On the other monomer

Process RTK (4)

Receptor is now fully activated

It is recognized by relay proteins in the cell

Relay proteins bind to a phosphorylated tyrosine, changing the relay protein

Triggers a transduction pathway leading to a cell response

Ligand gated ion channel

Membrane channel with region acting as a gate when receptor changes shape

Process of ion channel receptors (1)

Channel remains closed until a ligand binds to the receptor

Process ion channel (2)

Ligand binds and channel opens

Ions flow through and change concentration inside the cell

This affects the activity of the cell


Steroid hormone

Secreted by adrenal glands, only receptors for this are in kidneys

Acts as a transcription factor by turning on genes (in nucleus)

Genes control flow of water and sodium thus affecting blood volume

Anenyly Cyclase

An enzyme in the plasma membrane

Converts ATP to cAMP in response to an extra cellular signal

Most widely used second messenger

Cyclic AMP

Usually activates serine/threonine kinase A

Further regulation of cell metabolism is provided by

G-protein systems Inhibit adenyly cyclase

Use different signal molecules to activate a different receptor that activates inhibitory G protein

How transduction pathway works

Signal molecule binds to receptor and triggers chain of molecular actions

Receptor activated another protein and then another (cascade)

At each step the protein shape is changed to signal the next

What regulates protein activity?

Phosphorylation (protein kinases transferring phosphates from ATP to protein)

Many relay molecules are protein kinases creating a phosphorylation cascade

Another example of intercellular receptors..


Acts as transcription factors to enter nucleus and turn on genes for male sex characteristics

Only certain receptors respond

Transduction pathway

Usually a multi step process

Greatly amplify a signal

Coordinate and regulate cellular response

Protein phosphatases

Rapidly remove phosphates from proteins (dephosphorylation)

Act as a molecular switch: turning on/off or up/down

Second messengers

Small nonprotein water-solvable molecules or ions

Spread through diffusion

Participate in GPCRs and RTKs

iE: cyclic AMP and CA ions

What regulates protein activity?

Phosphorylation (protein kinases transferring phosphates from ATP to protein)

Many relay molecules are protein kinases creating a phosphorylation cascade

Most protein kinases act on other substrate proteins unlike..

Tyrosine kinases

They act on themselves

Most phosphorylation occurs at..

Serine or threonine amino acids of the substrate proteins

Protein phosphatases

Rapidly remove phosphates from proteins (dephosphorylation)

Act as a molecular switch: turning on/off or up/down

Second messengers

Small nonprotein water-solvable molecules or ions

Spread through diffusion

Participate in GPCRs and RTKs

iE: cyclic AMP and CA ions

The cells response to an extra cellular signal is

Output response

Response to cell signaling

Can be in either the nucleus or cytoplasm

A signal transduction pathway leads to regulation of one or more cellular activities

Cytoplasmic response

Pathways regulate the activity of enzymes rather than their synthesis

ie: opening or closing an ion channel in plasma membrane or change in cell metabolism

Signaling pathways can also affect the overall behavior of a cell

ie: could lead to cell division

Nuclear response

Regulate synthesis of enzymes or other proteins, usually by turning genes on/off in nucleus

Final activated molecule in signaling pathway may function as a transcription factor

Signal-growth factor, response-cell division

“Fine tuning” the response (regulation)

A response to a signal may not be simply on or off

4 aspects of signal regulation to consider

Signal amplification (1of 4)

At each step, number of activated products is much greater than in preceding step

Enzyme cascades amplify cells response

Proteins stay in active form long enough to process multiple molecules before inactive again

iE: small number if epinephrine molecules on surface of muscle cell can lead to millions of glucose molecules

Specificity of cell signaling and coordinating the response

Same signal can have different effects in cell with different proteins and pathways

Different kinds of cells have different collections of proteins

These different proteins (receptors, relay proteins, response proteins) allow cells to detect and respond to different signals

Signaling efficiency: scaffolding proteins and signaling complexes

Scaffolding proteins are large relay proteins to which other relay proteins are attached

Groups different proteins together that are in same pathway

May activate relay proteins

Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

Absence of single relay protein can lead to abnormal bleeding, eczema, and predispositions to infections and leukemia

The WAS protein is right beneath the immune cell surface and interacts with micro filaments of the cytoskeleton

When not present, disrupts organization of cytoskeleton

Termination of signal

Pathway needs to be a short time for next input

If concentration of external signaling molecules falls, fewer receptors will be bound

Unbound receptors revert to an inactive state

If signaling pathway components become locked, whether active or inactive, proper function of cell can be disrupted

Different kinds of cells turn on...

Different sets of genes


Cells infected or damaged or have reached the end of their functional lives undergo “programmed cell death”

Prevents enzymes from leaking out of a dying cell and damaging other cells

The cell shrinks, becomes lobed (blabbing) and packages in vesicles to be engulfed by scavenger cells

Triggered by signals that activate a cascade of “suicide proteins” in the cells programmed to die


When the death cell signal is received, an apoptosis-inhibiting protein (Ced-9) is inactivated

A cascade of caspase proteins(Ced-3) occurs the promote apoptosis

A master regulator of apoptosis


Inactivated during Apoptosis

Triggers caspase

How many pathways can carry out apoptosis in humans and mammals?

About 15

Apoptosis can be triggered by signals from outside or inside the cell depending on the cell and the particular signal that initiates it

Internal signals of apoptosis can result from...

Irreparable DNA damage or excessive protein misfolding

One major pathway for apoptosis

Mitochondrial proteins that form pores on outer membrane cause it to leak and release other proteins that promote apoptosis

or: cytochrome c

Cytochrome c

In healthy cells-electron transporter in mitochondrial

Cell death factor when leaked from mitochondrial

Process of apoptosis uses what proteins..

Ced-3, Ced-4, Ced-9

These are relay proteins capable of transiting the signal

Essential for development and maintenance of all animals


Evolved early in evolution

ie: normal part of development of hands/feet or paws

Diseases involving apoptosis



Cancer (can result from a failure of apoptosis leading to cancer)