When this sodium reaches the terminal buttons, calcium enters the cell and causing vesicles to bind to the cell wall and release the content that is present, usually a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter will now go to a different neuron, and incite an action potential. This whole process occurs all the time will billions of neurons. It is an exceedingly complex system that is vital for the survival of species. What if the sodium channels were blocked when there is an impulse or stimulus present. In this lab experiment, we will find out how two chemicals, Lidocaine and TTX, affect sodium channels and action potentials. Both of these chemicals bind to sodium channels, and prevent sodium from entering the neuron and provoking an action potential. This lab experiment will contain a neuron with two electrodes applied in two places. These electrodes will be used to record action potentials in these two places. I hypothesize that if Lidocaine is applied to the neuron, than there will be fewer action potentials. However, because TTX is a strong toxin. If it was applied to the neuron, than there would be much fewer action potentials compared to lidocaines
When this sodium reaches the terminal buttons, calcium enters the cell and causing vesicles to bind to the cell wall and release the content that is present, usually a neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter will now go to a different neuron, and incite an action potential. This whole process occurs all the time will billions of neurons. It is an exceedingly complex system that is vital for the survival of species. What if the sodium channels were blocked when there is an impulse or stimulus present. In this lab experiment, we will find out how two chemicals, Lidocaine and TTX, affect sodium channels and action potentials. Both of these chemicals bind to sodium channels, and prevent sodium from entering the neuron and provoking an action potential. This lab experiment will contain a neuron with two electrodes applied in two places. These electrodes will be used to record action potentials in these two places. I hypothesize that if Lidocaine is applied to the neuron, than there will be fewer action potentials. However, because TTX is a strong toxin. If it was applied to the neuron, than there would be much fewer action potentials compared to lidocaines