Why Is The Nation's Most Controversial? Guns Good Or Bad?

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Nation's most controversial: Guns
Disclaimer, this is not a paper about abortion or space semi trucks, this is a paper about why guns are not such a bad thing. Many people may not have grown up in a household with guns, and do not feel comfortable with them. Due to lack of education of guns in many people’s views causes some to have negative preconceived ideas about guns. Many individuals do not realize that guns provide a balance of power in society which proved successful for our forefathers. Guns in the hands of criminals can result in lives lost, whilst guns in the hands of law abiding citizens can result in saving lives.
To begin with, having a balance of power between the people and the government was the foundation our country was established on. Our forefathers fled a country that did not have a balance of power. Back in the 1700s we were given the right to bare arms because we were at war with England who had become a corrupt government and fought the people. After we recreated the Constitution, we made sure it was a right to own firearms in case the government were to go corrupt again. This would defend ourselves against it, and help start a new government from it. Hence, the 2nd ammendment was established to preserve a balance of power between people and their government. Further, the right to bear arms being an amendment should be upheld, and is equally as important as the 1st amendment. One cannot restrict another’s freedom or right to petition simply due to the fact that it is an amendment, likewise the right to bear arms should not be modified or restricted because it is an amendment. In addition to providing a balance of power in our society, guns prove to provide personal protection for law abiding citizens. Guns have stopped crimes from happening, and have helped to save many lives. From personal carry guns, it has dropped “burglary and rape percentages by over 20%”(Right to bear arms 3). With self defense, people can feel safer on a day to day basis. Statistics show that mass shootings stopped by police officers with guns on average reach up to a number of 18 deaths whilst mass shootings that stopped by citizens authorized to carry a gun are stopped on average after 2 deaths. (Wright 5). For example with the mass shooting that took place at a Paris nightclub casualties could have been greatly reduced if law abiding citizens were permitted to carry a gun. The innocent victims had no way to defend themselves and others. Unfortunately criminals always find a way to obtain weapons of destruction. Also, crime related shootings come from illegally bought guns that are not registered. It is not possible to prevent guns from being bought illegally from the black market because criminals always find a way. In fact it is even more difficult to take down the black market with the internet and weapons being sold internationally. We can continue to try, but the black market is so complex that it is not likely to be eliminated. Almost one hundred percent of guns used to stop shooting are legally bought and registered by people who follow the second amendment accordingly (Wright 1). Arming law abiding citizens, would likely minimize shootings of innocent people because criminals might become more hesitant knowing the ramifications of being shot themselves. We have learned that their is no other option but to arm ourselves. Even countries where guns have been banned they still have violent crimes. There are many solutions as of what to do with guns in America. Some people feel we should ban the sale and use of them completely, while others feel we should increase the number of armed citizens who are law abiding. I feel we should be somewhat in the middle. Both parties can agree on one thing, more education is need related to guns. Many feel we should incorporate gun safety classes in school to teach children at a young age about

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