The gun control debate is between people who only want the military and Law enforcement to have access to guns. To help and stop mass shootings, people want to have guns for themselves for a number of reasons. Some of those reasons are: to protect themselves, to hunt rather it for recreation or survival, maybe just for the fact that it 's our right to bear arms, meaning to own and use guns. But if they change the laws and take away our guns will this stop shootings and mass killings? No it won 't. According to Daniels K, from Infowars, Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws, and it is estimated that someone is shot every 2.8 hours. Despite the strict laws. Some people think if we take guns away from civilians, anyone who does not have a police or military badge, it will make all mass shootings or shootings of any kind go away. In this manner criminals and people planning to do harm with a gun can not get one, this will not work, because criminals don 't obtain their guns legally. If they want a gun badly enough they will do whatever it takes for them to get a gun, either that means stealing one or smuggling one across the border. In an operation organized by President Obama, the Arizona Field Office, and the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Put many guns into the Fast and Furious operation. John Dodson and Olindo Casa were on the case. They were watching the suspected gun traffickers. The traffickers bought the guns and then took them to a separate locations. Dodson and Casa watched them and as they watched they called their supervisor to ask if they should move in,to seize the guns and arrest the traffickers. They were told no, and continued to be told no, do not act, for more then a year. According to Dodson and Casa they let guns walk over and over. So why are these people who, let two thousand guns be smuggled over the Mexican border, be telling us that we need more gun laws. (Horwitz, p.7) These guns have already been involved in a number of murders and had numerous amount of times they could have stopped them and taken down the gun traffickers. After the Fast and Furious Operation went wrong and after several shootings, Including the shooting of Mexican beauty queen. According to Neil Munro from …show more content…
If you don 't like guns or think they are unsafe you don 't have to own one but, that doesn 't mean you should try to make it to where the people who use guns appropriately can 't have them. ¨Why do you want to give your rights away to politicians even if you don 't use them?¨ ( Daniels, 2014, p. 3) It is our right to bear arms according to the second amendment, so how can you legally take away our rights? You can 't, no matter what anyone thinks. It 's unconstitutional, that means it illegal for the government, or anyone else to our rights away. Just because someone owns a gun that doesn 't make them a