The government constantly tries to avoid the problem of gun control, for example when tragedy happens the government quickly states that there is a problem with the gun control but never faces the problem straight on. The only way to fix the problem of people getting the guns to be completely disallowed in the United States, people should not be able to have gun unless you are an active police officer or part of the U.S. Army and you are actively are duty. Colonists had a reason for having guns they were threatened by the British and other countries once they got their government, but the people that live in the U.S. having all the protection they want with the police and the American army which is the best in the world. The U.S. motto is the land of the free which implies that you will be free of worrying about protection and hate. There should not be any reason to have a gun and some people in fact do feel safer knowing there's something in their house to protect them, but there are so many alternatives to having a gun. People still choose the guns over the alternatives and many of the guns end up in the wrong hands and those people take advantage of the Second Amendment by using the firearm for the killing of innocent people. The Second Amendment was not established for people to shoot innocent people, it was made so people could defend their home and …show more content…
People sell and trade guns illegally all the time and the government knows that but does the minimum to try and put an end to this. The government still tries to avoid the issue of gun control by focusing more on other countries business rather than thinking of their own people that are killing each other everyday because of the lack of gun control in this country. The Amendment was formed so that the people would have protection but the fact that the 2nd amendment is still in place and is being taken advantage of is puts the people in danger instead of protecting them, there has been an increase of people that are hurt because of guns it would mean that the more the guns are spread around America the more violence would occur.People might argue that in European countries there has been an uprise of terrorism, and that is in fact true but that is an outside figure that comes into the country to inflict pain or damage otherwise called a terrorist. But in our case the U.S. has not had a terror attack since the Boston Bombings in 2013, all of the events that have happened after that we're people that were mentally unstable or wanted to prove a point to the government and all of these were caused because of how the 2nd Amendment is