Gun laws will not reduce the amount of gun deaths in the U.S. because gun laws do not determine crime; gun ownership determines crime numbers. There were 460,000 gun deaths in the U.S. between 1999-2013 and this was the 12th leading cause of death. Our government has passed more laws in the past years and the gun deaths have barely decreased. The best way to decrease gun deaths in the U.S. is to do background checks on every gun buyer before the individual purchases the weapon. Background checks are the best method because they determine whether the buyer will be able to buy the gun, or if their background has any type of criminal record. The bad part about this is if a person needs a weapon and they can not buy it legally, they can receive a weapon illegally from unlicensed gun sellers and others. Therefore, there is no reason to keep adding restrictions. Our government needs to find the illegal gun sellers and lock them up. Our government can make as many laws as they want too, but a criminal will break those laws if needed. A major issue going on in our country is the banned of military weapons. Our government is trying to pass a law stating that individuals outside of the service cannot buy military grade weapons. These types of guns are a threat to common Americans because they are very high powered and are killing machines. These guns need to be only allowed in the military because the soldiers have went through intense training to be equipped with these weapons. If an average American wants to own a weapon of this magnitude, then he/she needs to take a class learning how to use their firearm respectively. An example of a military weapon is a AR assault rifle. These guns are semiautomatic or fully automatic. A semiautomatic weapon can shoot around 400 rounds a minute, but a fully automatic weapon can shoot about 700-800 rounds a minute. Fully automatic weapons are illegal to Americans, but a semi-automatic gun is not. These weapons are fine for our military because the soldiers need these type of weapons in battle, but for average Americans, there is no need for these weapon in their everyday life. AR weapons were used in several of the mass shooting that occurred in our country. ARs are so popular for shootings because of these three factors: damage, fast shooting, and size of the magazines. If a AR weapon with a high capacity magazine is used in mass shootings, there is a 155% chance more people will be murdered than if a rifle or shotgun was used. The magazine on a weapon is a plastic or metal clip that goes into …show more content…
The body style of an assault rifle is small and compact but has many features. These guns are usually metal, have an extending stock so it is more comfortable for the operator, and these firearms can have special sights attached. An assault rifle will look “mean” compared to regular shotguns or hunting rifles because the assault rifle is made to scare people by just looking at it. Also, an assault rifle will do much more damage to its target than other guns. A bullet from a pistol or shotgun will come out of the muzzle about 3 times slower than a bullet from an AR. A trauma surgeon from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio explains what a AR bullet would do to the body by stating “the liver looks like a jello mold that’s been dropped on the floor. And the exit wound can be a nasty, jagged hole the size of an orange” (Zhang