Gun Control Argument Paper

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More gun control laws could reduce gun related deaths. According to an article written in the Huffington post author Jennifer Bendery said that in 1999-2013 most of the murder and suicide deaths were from guns. More gun control could also lead to a decrease in suicides. According to a study published in the International Review of Law and Economics, when gun ownership went down in the United States, overall suicide rates went down. Mandatory firearms training could help prevent accidental shootings from happening in the first place. No one is denying that gun violence is a problem but in order to come to a mutual understanding we must first look closely at gun control. In an article in the Los Angeles Times Author James Q. Wilson states that there is no way to extinguish the supply of guns. It would be impossible to confiscate hundreds of millions of weapons. You can declare a place gun-free, as Virginia Tech had done, and guns will still be brought there. Even if by some marvel the U.S. was able to collect all the guns, studies show that the murder rate would not be reduced. Also even with the creation of stricter gun laws acquiring a gun would still be relatively easy. They can be stolen or even borrowed. In some cases they are gotten through straw purchases. According to National Shooting Sports Foundation, “straw purchases are a criminal act in which a person who is prohibited from buying firearms uses another person to buy a gun on their behalf.” Some criminals are very knowledgeable with law and they intentionally break those laws so that they can get what they want. Most people who commit these crimes are usually under the influence of high drug intoxication. For example, CNN reported that man by the name of Steven Kazmierczak shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amount of Xanax in his …show more content…
The right to own and carry a firearm is the right of every American citizen, and should not be taken away. Americans have the choice to defend themselves and their homes. People fought and died for this right to bear arms, and saying that this amendment or even the Constitution is outdated is disrespecting those that fought not just for this right but all of our rights as Americans. The second amendment states that the right of people to keep their arms should not be infringed by any means. In an article written by Paul W. Barrett he said: “Amending the Constitution, and that includes amending an amendment, is a political undertaking that has to reflect the will of “we the people.” These days, an awful lot of those people, the vast majority of whom obey the law and pay their taxes, like their guns and intend to keep them.” Gun control isn’t the answer. Adding laws to prevent people from getting guns won't help. Criminals don't abide by the law and will break the law to get a gun if they want one. This right is for the protection of the citizens. Just like any other country, crime happens in America, and there is no use in counting on someone to be there to help when a crime occurs. Sometimes American citizens have to take things

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