What Internal Conflict In We Were Liars

Improved Essays
The first thing that comes to your mind when you think about your favorite book is the conflict. The plot revolves around these conflicts in We Were Liars. The conflict is the bones of any writing, because it keeps the reader interested in the book and leaves them wanting more. It is the struggle the protagonist has to go through. In We Were Liars, the conflict is completely internal- Cady’s struggle with her life after the accident and coping with what had happened. The conflict in the beginning is relatively difficult to identify because it is all internal. Cady struggles with finding out who she is before and after the accident. She doesn’t want to live up to her family’s expectations because she finds them to be stupid and pointless. Before the traumatic event, she knew this: “I am the eldest Sinclair grandchild. Heiress to the island, the fortune, and the expectations,”(Lockhart, page 7). Her mother constantly tells her to be normal, but this is hard for her because Cady doesn’t know how to be normal. She lost a major part of herself, and if recovering from a traumatic injury wasn’t hard enough, she …show more content…
She tries to understand why, but she just can’t get her memories straight. She wants to remember and things are coming back to her in bits and pieces. She asks the Liars, but even they hide the truth from her in a effort to help her heal. Cady asked Mirren about Gat, and Mirren is defensive about what she knows (Lockhart, 117). The Liars told her that she had to figure it all out on her own. When she finally unlocks her memories, the emotions were overwhelming, even though the events occurred two years ago, the pain is new for her. When Cady remembered that Fatima and Prince Philip died in the fire, she broke down into tears (Lockhart, 190). She wants to remember, but she doesn’t want to feel the pain from it. Cady fights to stay happy while she figures out what happened in the

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