Mrs. Staley
The Outsiders novel essay
Thursday of this week
The conflict inside the Outsiders
Ponyboy is one of the main characters, also the youngest. He runs into quite a bit of conflicts, these are the biggest and the best three. SE hinton wrote this book in high school, connecting some of the book within her own life, furthermore, The Outsiders became an overwhelming success later on in her life. The main characters in The Outsiders are Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry, Dally. The Outsiders in based in the 60s where greasers and the socs were the bosses around town, also including the struggles for both socs and greasers, family problems, life problems and such. In the novel The Outsiders the main character Ponyboy experiences multiple …show more content…
Darry also includes this quote. Darry is in the hospital with a broken wrist from the burning church. Darry includes, “Don’t you know a rumble ain’t a rumble without me?” Summarizing that quote is him saying that he is not gonna stay in the hospital, because a rumble is not a rumble without him. This second major conflict was a pretty big one and right after the last one, right out of the hospital.
Nevertheless, the conflict between the law and darry is the largest one of the book. Ponyboy includes this quote in the book. At this time in the book, Darry is extremely depressed because johnny just passed away, he was robbing a store, the law catches up with him and shoots him down. Ponyboy says this, “We just saw the same sunset.” They are closing up the story in this quote, explaining that Darry and the whole family just saw the same sunset. This third large conflict was the largest one as it involved the whole book coming into it.
Therefore, these were the largest three conflicts in the book as every novel has conflict. These conflicts were large and hard hitting. They all involved at least two main characters in them. This novel involves rebellion and teenage years, also hits a lot of people hard. Realizing the struggles in every family and type. This text is important to a lot of people relating to their own