Nonverbal communication has to do with how one will express how they are feeling simply through facial expression and body language. “Nonverbal factors can make the face-saving deception either succeed or fail,” which is not a good thing when one is telling a big lie because people do not realize even though your verbally saying one thing, your body language could be telling another story, but most liars tend to get caught (183). There were a handful of examples when it came to deceptive communication through out the movie. One example is when Fletcher was walking into work and was greeting everyone with nice compliments, he said to one guy “ Hey Pete! Losing weight? Looks and personality, double threat guy!” even though Fletcher was making these nice complements they were not genuine at all. The reason you can tell Fletcher’s compliments were not sincere was through the way he presented himself with nonverbal communication. When he was telling these compliments to his colleagues, either his eyes would widened or his body would lean back way too far, which is something you would not see in a normal interaction with someone. Fletcher’s nonverbal communication was expressing that he was not really sincere with the comments he made. The reason he seems to lie is because he does not want to ruin his reputation, but …show more content…
In this case it would be a negative form of manipulation because you are influencing them in your favor. The way you can get some to do what you want is by manipulating the truth in a way so that you can manipulate the individual you are telling the lie to as well. Some people are aware of this manipulation, but still go with the lie that is being told. For example, when you tell a lie to your parent and your friend knows it’s a lie and still continues to go a long with your lie. By the friend going a long with the lie shows how he or she was manipulated into doing something they wanted, but for some reason still went a long with it anyways. Fletcher Reed in the movie “Liar Liar” also showed an example of manipulation, but in this case he was actually the one being manipulated since he was not able to a lie at that time. The specific example was when he was in court with his client and he told her he cannot lie, but she manipulating him back into lying for the sake of her benefit and reputation. This shows how people can use deception in the form of manipulating the situation to go the way they expect it to