These conflicts are prevalent throughout the play, Inherit the Wind, from internal conflicts of Matthew Harrison Brady and Rachel Brown, to the outreaches of the interpersonal struggles between …show more content…
This is clearly evident in society, relating to Inherit the Wind. For a number of years, dating back all the way to 1861 when the American civil war took place, there has been conflict between northern America and southern America. This is relevant in Inherit the Wind as the struggles between these two societies are apparent throughout this play. The conflict of varying opinions and beliefs are creating a barrier between the two societies. This can be seen seen through the conflict between Drummond and the overall town of Hillsboro. Drummond, who symbolizes the north, is a follower of christ, however he is still open up to new ideas on how the world was created, much like the stereotypical northern citizen. The town population of Hillsboro is exactly that the opposite of that, representing the stereotypical southern citizen, in that the only way to believe is in christ. The people of Hillsboro treat Drummond as if he was a lesser person, this can be seen when comparing his arrival to Brady’s arrival. The whole town is ecstatic when Brady arrives, but it is the polar opposite upon Drummond’s arrival. This conflict is carried out from the second Drummond enters Hillsboro, to the very moment he leaves. Although the town’s people of Hillsboro are quite judgemental towards Drummond, the societal battle also switches perspectives. This conflict grows on the views of a outsider being judgemental rather than …show more content…
Conflicts in literature are thoroughly displayed in Inherit the Wind through characters and motifs. The interpersonal conflict in this play between Drummond and Brady grows increasingly stronger as the play progresses, through the distance created between them only fueling their disrespect for one another. The interpersonal conflict involving Brady and Rachel wrapped around the motifs of confidence and inability to make a decision. Finally, the societal conflict represents the division between an apparently united country. Conflicts will forever be relevant forever in literature through a story’s characters and