We knew that bad luck was following us. The result showed that mom had a high stage breast cancer. The house was full of tears and sadness. I had thought that hell would be less painful than the things that were happening around me. Also, snipers from our neighbor’s building tried shooting my dad while he was on the terrace in our home. Basically, our life was threatened every single day. Thus, our decision was finalized that night, all of us would get a safer life there, and mom would get the right treatment that was not available in my …show more content…
It took me a while to accept the new culture and to merge with the new society. However, I have learned that no matter how bad things get, there will always be a day that would turn life around, and make things better. My life turned from being an intolerable life full of fear and horror, to a safe and sound, happy life. This experience turned me into a happier, optimistic person. That’s why I keep on thanking God for being with us, for helping me in every step I take, and for making my life better every day. Knowing that I am given new opportunities here, I try my best to use every resource and become a better person in this