The goal of this trail is to give a higher life expectancy of a patient who has an out of hospital cardiac arrest with loss of consciousness and see if putting the body into a very low stage of hypothermia allows for a higher expectancy of survival both in cardiac and neurological function. The hypothesis is that if the patient is put into the 28°C category, then that means that the body has to be in the state hypothermia longer; allowing more time for the body to rest and recover uninterrupted. This way body can focus all of its energy on repairing the brain signals and recover from the heart attack than having to worry about body temperature regulation, breathing and about the patient moving to name a few. It gives the doctors and researches a longer time to observe and work with the body, to find what medications and care is more effective for the …show more content…
There will be a series of data collected from all patients and will include such as the general age, gender, race and family history, along with cardiac rhythms taken every hour after admittance as well as brain waves so as to see how much or how little neurological damage there is. This will all be gathered through a two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test, which gives the initial statistic that all patients came in with a similar condition. A Kaplan Meier test would be used to see the survival rate and a Logistic Regression Analysis would be used to compare the two temperature groups and see which had a greater outcome. With the results of the individual tests we hope to calculate if there is a significant difference between the temperature groups with respect to survival and neurological