The simulation today was very interesting and I didn’t expect anything like it. It made me realize that you need to put everything into play when working with a patient. Since he couldn’t breathe on his own, he had to have a breathing bag, which needed to be on his face a certain way. Everything had to be a certain way which is reassuring for the patient, but kind of nerve racking on the nurses side. I really enjoyed working with the simulator because it put my skills to use. I …show more content…
The simulations have produced numerous positive outcomes such as “…higher test scores, … improve proficiency regardless of skill level, …increasing the confidence of the students…” (Brewer 2011). This method is considered very successful in teaching the ways of how to be a nurse that provides realistic scenarios that make the situation seem more life-like and unbiased, which was a problem when working or practicing situations with family or friends. It decreases the risk of seriously injuring a real life patient and yet still gives lifelike feedback. Although it is a mannequin, it makes things “less intimidating” for the students. (Brewer