Salve Aguilar
West Coast University
Dr. Isabelle Tardif
July 17, 2015
The case identifies the type of shock that CC encountered right after his traumatic accident. He was experiencing hypovolemic shock as evidenced by low blood pressure and increased heart rate. To increase his cardiac output, fluid therapy was initiated. However, due to CC’s multiple abrasions sustained from the accident, and invasive lines attached to him, it placed him at risk for sepsis. Sepsis is a systemic response to infection. Hemodynamic monitoring can be an effective tool for continuous assessment and monitoring of patient’s response to treatment regardless whether the type of shock that patient has is neurogenic, …show more content…
The presence of micro-organisms can confirm sepsis. Septic shock is caused by gram negative bacteria, gram positive bacteria and fungal infections. Due to CC compromised condition he may not be able to resist the infection. To confirm the infection, clotting problems, abnormal liver and kidney function tests, impaired oxegynation, electrolyte imbalances, it is best to do blood tests and cultures. The results of the blood tests, wound cultures and white blood count can specify the type of the microorganism present in the blood. Then treatment follows to improve the blood flow distribution and manage or resolve the infection with antibiotics.
Multiple Organ Dysfunction (MODS) is the progressive dysfunction of two or more organs from an uncontrollable inflammatory response to a severe illness or injury. If septic septic shock is not treated it can lead to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome – and this can progress to organ failure or death. Some of the signs and symptoms which may indicate organ failure from septic shock are decrease in urine output, change in mental status, difficulty in breathing, decrease in platelet count, , abnormalities in the heart, and abdominal