Should Cell Phone Blockers Should Not Be Allowed To Have Cell Phones In Schools

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Around the school district, the staff is currently in a heated debate about a possible student rights situation at hand. “Should schools be able to block cell phone services?” Some state that by doing so, more problems could be introduced, which is the exact opposite of the common goal. By scrambling the cell phone services of students, the students could be placed in harm’s way during emergencies, schools are possibly violating the federal law, and there is a risk of surrounding phones malfunctioning. Given this information, schools should not be allowed to block students’ cell phone service.
First and foremost, blocking or scrambling the cell phone services of students are completely illegal and a violation of the federal law. Those who
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Think about it. Using cell phone blockers can be dangerous when there are emergency calls and urgent injuries that need to be taken care of. While you may only be trying to make your students re-focus on their work, you could also be putting someone’s life at risk in another place. Cell phone blockers can affect other places beyond the classroom (Mogg). “The consequences could have been dire if he was jamming the signal so that 911 calls couldn’t be made. It would affect an emergency in the school.” With the presence of cell phone blockers, trying to make important calls in times of crisis is pretty much impossible (Koebler). For example, Jason Humphreys. This man in Florida illegally stashed a high-powered phone jammer under the passenger seat of his car, which resulted in actual interference with police and emergency communications (Dalton). As a result, Jason was fined for an amount of $48,000 for the use of an illegal cell phone blocker. Given that situation, the effects of cell phone blockers are far too risky and far too dangerous when it comes to emergencies. After all, so much could go wrong and we would have no lead on the situation

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