A reason why cell phones should be taken during school hours is, because they are a distraction. Many students come to school, and come to get on there phone and socialize instead of actually learning. According to Becky Dieffenbach’s in her opinion, students bringing their own devices “just becomes a source of distraction for some students, because no matter how many times you repeat the rule that they can only be on technology when the teacher says it’s ok, …show more content…
Kids are always asking to get on there phone for school resources, and then are found on social media, which leads to cyberbullying, and a non-learning environment. Teacher Joni Siani explains it this way: “You’ll get kids saying, i’ll look something up for english, and while i’m here let me quickly check my instagram or twitter feed ( which most students tend to do).” Sure phones can be used for an english assignment, or just to use for research in school, but we can prevent this from happening by putting away phones, or even blocking websites. Therefore if phones are taken away during school hours, then this will help prevent less cyberbullying, and a better learning learning