Organizational Behavior

Superior Essays
Within HR, organizational behaviour is the study of the roles we take on within a group setting based on the attitudes, values, and beliefs we hold. Given this course is a three hour lecture block makes it very difficult for students to interact with one another. In order to fully understand the concepts of organizational behaviour, it is evident that an exercise in groups is needed to help individuals connect these concepts to a real life situation. Through completing the “Winter Survival Exercise” I was able to discover how my personality influences the results of my team and in turn, how these group pressures influence me.
The exercise entailed us to read a scenario and decide which 15 items you would salvage according to their importance
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In addition, the “Team Roles Preferences” assessment made me mindful of how I am to participate in a team setting. Although in order to minimize conflict, a good leader must also be able to harmonize a group. From the “active listening skills inventory” I learned that my strengths include being able to sense unspoken emotions, am an active listener and am able to encourage others to improve the dynamics of the situation. I enjoy gathering information provided by the group and analyzing them in further detail to provide my group with a set of arguments on why an item should hold a higher value. This is reflected in the high score I received for the gatekeeper category. I also understand that I lack initiative skills and have and can work more on responding faster. On the other hand, as I receive messages from the sender as an introvert it may seem as though I am uninterested in the speaker. Instead, to show interest in the conversation I depend on my non-verbal cues. I tend to nod my head, and ask for clarification if needed. This allows me to gather together all the information I need from the speaker without interrupting. I am then able to collect my thoughts and provide feedback. Furthermore, as the group was working together to come to a conclusion, considering that I have been making a mental note of all the ideas that were being brainstormed it opened my mind to the different uses of the items. I learnt that after I have heard others opinions I am more open in sharing my own thoughts and was able to contribute to the group’s discussion. In the end, this brought us to the performing stage. As the time allotted for this exercise was shortly coming to an end we were able to come to a conclusion due to the help of Michelle. Being an introvert I would not

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