Prescribed Cheating Analysis

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Cheating with Nonprescription Pills Cheating can be described on many different levels. Many college students consider cheating on a test a victimless crime; however, the person cheating is actually the victim because they are affecting their learning abilities. In college, cheating can get a person expelled or maybe even jail time depending on what they did. In David Alpert’s article “Change Honor Codes to Include Abuse of Nonprescription Drugs”, he states that many college students resort to drugs, like Adderall and Ritalin which are used to help people with ADHD focus, to give their test scores a boost. However, with growing numbers of college students doing this it comes to question if Universities should change their honor code to where …show more content…
O’Reilly also incorporated many sources stating that students will take these drugs whenever they are available. When college students use drugs to boost their academic performance what does this mean for our future? Does this mean that illegal drug use it okay as long as it is related to academics? No, this should not be the case. In Alpert’s article he states, “Some argue that stories of prescription study aid abuse are overblown and sensationalized. However, research from the University of Kentucky suggest that 34% of all undergrads there have used study aids illegally, and that percentage is almost doubled among upperclassmen” (639) I do not disagree with Alperts’ facts and statistics, but I do disagree with it being in an honor code. Lamkin stated, “Unlike a policing approach, honor codes ask students to internalize values that are important to education and to character in general. Although students who violate honor codes face sanctions, the primary aim is not to deter improper conduct with threats but to persuade students that to breach the code is to betray themselves” (642). I agree with Lamkin because an honor code is just something a student typically blow off. I also agree with Lamkin on the topic of stopping standardized tests because that is why students are resulting to Adderall. I remember when I was in High School all we took …show more content…
Kayli also went to the Smyrna Campus at Motlow College last year. I asked Kayli her viewpoint on study drugs and she stated, “Study drugs are just a temporary fix to laziness. If college students really wanted good grades they should work for them. Drugs like Adderall have serious side effects if taken improperly and the likelihood of the abuser actually storing what their studying into their long term memory is highly unlikely” (Scott). I then asked her if study drugs are easy to come across and she said, “Yes, they are. When I was enrolled at Motlow I heard many people talking about them and trying to get their hands on them. I have never done them but some people in my classes did” (Scott). A person would never think that their University would have a study drug problem, but the other day I was walking in the hallway and heard a group talking about it. If a student took these drugs not only is what they’re studying not going to commit into their long-term storage, but it also has some side effects like dizziness, restlessness, headaches, and loss of appetite. Let’s say I have a big test tomorrow that I have not prepared for so I have to cram the night before so I take Adderall during the test to focus. After the test I got my grade and I did pretty well on it; however, now I am feeling fatigued and I have a migraine. The side effects from this drug are not necessarily

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