Persuasive Essay On End Animal Testing

Superior Essays
End animal testing
Since times unmemorable humans and animals have had a special relationship. Animals have kept us alive and we cared for them. The Bible speaks of Adam and Eve being clothed in animal skins at the time of their departure from the Garden of Eden. In those days animals were respected because of their sacrifice. Recent scientific discoveries and advances in medicine opened up a new field of uses for animals other than just food or clothing. To check for potential negative effects on humans that new medications can have it makes more sense to test them first on animals. This reasoning opened the field of animal experimentations. Today however many other reasons exist that do not justify continuing animal experimentations. Physiological differences between
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[1] Even the most innocent sounding test becomes torture when is directly applied. Cosmetics companies use an eye test in order to evaluate irritation caused by shampoos and other products. Mostly rabbits are used for this test. The animals are being incapacitated with their eyelids held open by clips, in some cases for many days, so they cannot blink away the products being tested. [2] These tests are not isolated incidents perpetrated by rogue companies. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported in 2010 that 97,123 animals suffered pain during experiments while being given no anesthesia for relief. [3] These examples are meant to show the cruelty and lack of humanity that animals experimented on have to go through. In some cases these abuses could have been avoided

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