Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

Improved Essays

Animal rights are defined as the rights to animals so they can to live freely, with no hunting, without being harmed, free from medical research, cosmetics, and experimental testing. No animal should be held captive to be harmed or tested upon. In order to save human lives, as in animals are hurt in medical testing. According to the Humane Society of the United States, 79.7 million people have pets in their homes just in the United States (The Humane Society of the United States). Everyone should have a companion animal, but scientists should not do any form of testing so these companion creatures can be what they were meant u to be; a member of a family and not a member of a research lab and do not let these animals soon become like the dinosaurs.
In 1922, insulin was allowed to be isolated from dogs (Animal Testing Timeline p1). Modern anaesthetics and antibiotics were created from the use of animal testing and experiments in the 1930s (Animal Testing Timeline p1). In 1998, the use of animal testing for cosmetic use was banned in Great Britain. Many places in the world test on animals, other than Great Britain. Animal testing is pointless. Most testing is done at universities, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies and military defense establishments.
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Statistically the 2010 report states that cats: 21,578, dogs: 64,930, guinea pigs: 213,029, hamsters: 145,895, marine animals: 126, non-human primates: 71,317, and other farm animals: 38,008 were used for animal testing (The Welfare of Animals Used In Research: Practice and Ethics). That/These statistics represent so many animals in the world that are being hurt. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) states that companies rebuke all serious acts of violence, intimidation, or vandalism that is pointed toward any person, company or organization that still use animals for any harm, experimentation, or even

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